CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper I)
Marks: 250 Time
Allowed : Three Hours
Q1.Describe the following in about 150 words each :
(a) Gram negative and Gram positive bacterial cell walls.
(b) Structure and reproduction of lichens.
(c) Heterotrichous habit in algae.
(d) Elaters and their significance.
(e) Draw a well labelled longitudinal sectional view of the
structure of mature sporogonium of Anthoceros.
Q2.(a) Describe the life cycle of Puccinia graminis
tritici with suitable sketch.
(b) Give an illustrated account of various types of stelar
structures seen in Pteridophytes.
(c) Describe lytic and lysogenic cycle of viruses.
Q3.(a) Write the names of causal organisms, symptoms and
control measures of citrus canker and late blight of potato.
(b) Compare and contrast the sporocarp of Marsilea and Salvinia.
(c) Discuss post fertilization changes with suitable diagrams in
Q4.(a) What do you understand by International Code of
Botanical Nomenclature ? Write its principles.
(b) Briefly explain anomalous secondary growth in Boerhaavia and
(c) Write applications of Microbiology in medicine.
Q5.Describe the following in about 150 words each :
(a) Plant cell, tissue and organ culture.
(b) Embryo rescue in angiosperms.
(c) Classification and importance of Polyembryony.
(d) Endosperm haustoria.
(e) Plants as source for perfumery.
Q6.(a) What are the identifying floral features,
floral formula and floral diagram of Malvaceae and Orchidaceae ?
(b) Write botanical names and ethno-medicinal uses of three
medicinally important members in each case of Solanaceae and Apiaceae.
(c) Write botanical names and families of the plants yielding
timber edible oil.
Q7.(a) Define protoplast. Write the methods of its
isolation and factors affecting their yield and viability.
(b) Describe the development of male gametophyte in angiosperms
with suitable diagrams.
(c) Compare and contrast the pattern of embryo developments in
Dicots and Monocots with suitable illustrations.
Q8.(a) Discuss the primitive features of Cycadales. Why is
Ginkgo considered as living fossil ?
(b) Define somaclonal variations. How are these produced ?
Explain its applications in crop improvement.
(c) Write notes on the following
(i) Somatic hybrid and cybrid with their significance
(ii) Totipotency, polarity and differentiation.
Marks: 250 Time
Allowed : Three Hours
Q1. Write short notes on/Answer the following:
(a) Applications of probes in Southern blotting.
(b) Nuclear pore complex and its functions.
(c) Structure and behaviour of B-chromosomes.
(d) Why are overlapping genes important ? Discuss.
(e) Describe Chi-square test and its applications in genetic
study. 5+5=10
Q2. (a) Discuss major steps in signal transduction.
(b) Describe the significance and uses of the following:
(i) Male sterility
(ii) Polyploidy in plant breeding
(c) Transgenic technology is a breakthrough innovation. Justify
with examples.
Q3.(a) Briefly describe two theories of Chiasma
formation. Discuss whether Chiasmata are the cause or consequence of
(b) What is Antisense RNA ? Explain its applications and
describe the catalytic activity of RNA.
(c) Does Z-DNA play a regulatory role ? Discuss
Explain the mode of biogenesis of peroxisomes and discuss their
(b) Name the phyto-geographical regions of India. Which are the dominant flora
of the region representing the west coast of India from Kanyakumari to Satpura
ranges in Gujarat ?
(c) "Cell cycle is an ordered series of events leading to cell
replication." Discuss.
Q5. Write short notes on/Answer the following :
(a) Climacteric fruits and their advantage to fruit
(b) Metabolic energy requirement for uptake of sucrose in
apoplastic pathway.
(c) Cyanide-resistant respiration in plants.
(d) Can Intellectual Property Rights protect and safeguard
farmers' rights and interests ?
(e) What are the causes of the rise in mean atmospheric
temperature and how will it influence the climate of a region ?
Q6.(a) Carboxylation and oxygenation compete to decrease
the efficiency of photosynthesis. Discuss.
(b) What is drought escape ? Discuss different strategies
adopted by plants for drought resistance.
(c) What is Clock hypothesis ? Justify the importance of main
photoreceptor and photoperiodic induction in photoperiodism.
Q7.(a) How can the two laws of thermodynamics be combined
to determine spontaneity of a reaction ? Also derive a relationship between
free energy exchange and equilibrium constant.
(b) What is bioremediation ? How can plants be used to
detoxify the heavy metal containing industrial effluents ?
(c) What is the importance of fatty acid synthase complex ?
Discuss the growth of fatty acyl chain through priming and elongation phases.
Q8.(a) How is solar energy trapped, fixed and transformed
in an aquatic food chain ?
(b) How do microbes help in chemical recycling in nature
for a stable community climax ?
(c) Eco-development sequence proceeds from a barren land to a
climax and finally ends in a desert. Explain critically.
CS (MAIN) EXAM:2019 BOTANY (Paper I)
Marks: 250 Time
Allowed : Three Hours
1. Describe the following in about
150 words each :
1.(a) Mycorrhizal
association and its importance in plants. 10 marks
1.(b)Differentiation between bioremediation and bioleaching. 10 marks
1.(c) Nature and significance of plant-endophyte relationship. 10 marks
1.(d) Alternation of heteromorphic generations in Bryophytes. 10 marks
1.(e) Draw a well labelled longitudinal sectional view of the structure of
capsule of Funaria. 10 marks
2.(a) What are the
characteristic features, means of reproduction and economic importance of
Ascomycetes ? 20 marks
2.(b) Describe the characteristics and replication of viroids. 15 marks
2.(c) What are the critical features of heterospory and seed habit in pteridophytes.
15 marks
3. (a) Write
the name of causal agent, symptoms and control measures of yellow vein of Okra
and Tundu disease of wheat.20 marks
3.(b) Comment on the structure and ecological and physiological importance of
leaf of Azolla.15 marks
3.(c) Compare the thallus forms of brown and green algae. 15 marks
4.(a) Compare and
contrast the systems of classifications of Bentham and Hooker, and Hutchinson.
Add a note on their merits and demerits. 20 marks
4.(b) What causes anomalous secondary growth in some dicot plants ? Explain.15
4.(c) State the applications of Microbiology in Agriculture.15 marks
5. Describe the following in about
150 words each:
5.(a) Importance of
haploid plant production from pollen grains.10 marks
5.(b) Hydrocarbon yielding energy crops and advantages of biodiesel. 10 marks
5.(c) Steps in the production of somatic hybrids and their advantages 10 marks
5.(d) Illustrate Kranz anatomy in a typical C4 plant leaf 10 marks
5.(e) Palynology and its significance. 10 marks
6.(a) Define
herbarium and give methods of its preparation and also mention the names of
five major herbaria. 20 marks
6.(b) Write botanical names and families of the plants yielding beverages,
narcotics and gums. 10 marks
6.(c) What are the identifying characters, floral diagram and floral formula of
Verbenaceae and Liliaceae ? 10 marks
7.(a) Highlight the
main features of Vavilov's centres of origin of crop plants. 20 marks
7.(b) Define totipotency and discuss cytodifferentiation in plants. 10 marks
7.(c) How is Embryology useful in Taxonomy ?10 marks
8.(a) How many
types of embryo-sacs are known among angiosperms ? Describe their formation.
Give one example for each.20 Marks
8.(b) Discuss the salient features of Gnetales. Why are they regarded as the
most evolved Gymnosperms ? 15 marks
8.(c) What are the different stages of micropropagation ? Mention its
advantages.15 marks
CS (MAIN) EXAM:2019 BOTANY (Paper 2)
Marks: 250 Time
Allowed : Three Hours
Q1. Answer the following questions:
10x5=50 marks
fingerprinting is important in any plant breeding programme.” Justify the
statement with suitable examples. 10 marks
(b) Citing example, discuss briefly the process of cytoplasmic inheritance and
the genes involved.10 Marks
(c) Explain the mechanism of cell signalling and the role of cell receptors in
regulating this process. 10 marks
(d) How does silencing of the genes occur in eukaryotic genome and what are the
implications of gene silencing ? 10 marks
(e) Explain, with required diagrams, the chemical structure and function of
primary cell wall and plasma membrane.10 marks
Q2.(a) Dark brown seed coat colour in Phaseolus is dominant over
light brown colour. The following progenies were produced from the parents with
known phenotypes but unknown genotypes in different experiments. 20 marks
Mention the genotype of each parent in five experiments by using
the letter B for dark brown and b for light brown.
(b) Discuss the
role of Histone in regulating chromatin structure with special emphasis on
Histone N-terminal tails as well as nucleosome assembly. 20 marks
(c) Describe the process of DNA replication in eukaryotic organisms with
required diagrams, mentioning the role of enzymes in the different steps
involved. Comment on the dynamics of replication fork in
eukaryotes. 15+5=20 marks
Q3.(a) Discuss
briefly the general principles of cellular adhesion. Give a note on
identification and characterization of adhesion receptors. 20 marks
(b) Describe sequentially the steps of T-DNA transfer process from
Agrobacterium cell to plant nuclear genome. Write a brief note on achievements
of gene transfer technology' in crop improvement .20 Marks
(ii) Enumerate the different causes of heterosis. 10 marks
(c) Explain the role of transcription factors associated with transcription
initiation, elongation and termination. How does Histone modification regulate
chromatin accessibility ?8+2= 10 marks
Q4.(a) Describe the
cellular structure and functions of Ribosome and Peroxisome. 10 marks
(b) Discuss two DNA sequencing methods with suitable illustrations. Name two
fully sequenced eukaryotic genomes with their sizes. 20 marks
(c) Write explanatory notes on the following: 20 marks
5. Describe the following in about
150 words each:
Q5. Explain each of
the following:
(a) Illustrate the difference between C4 and CAM pathways, giving
suitable examples. Write a brief note on their importance. 10 marks
(b) Name at least two plants known to be “plant indicators' and explain their
importance in relation to soil quality evaluation. 10 marks
(c) Illustrate with example the importance of energy transfer and energy
conservation for plant growth and development. 10 marks
(d) Explain with example the impact of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and
its global relevance with emphasis on Indian scenario. 10 marks
(e) Discuss the processes of mineral nutrition and mineral deficiencies in dry
land areas. 10 marks
Q6. Write
explanatory notes with examples on the following:
(a) (i) Difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration as
well as fermentation processes.
(iii) Chemo-osmotic theory and ATP synthesis
(b) (i) Restriction
(ii) Role of glyoxysomes in conversion of fats into simpler molecules
(iii) Name specific physiological responses on the basis of which IAA, GA, and
Kinetin can be identified.
(c) (i)
Explain and justify with examples that recycling plays an important role in
solid waste management.
(ii) "In the present scenario, Global Warming and Climate Change are
amongst the greatest threats for human society.” Justify the statement with
Q7. (a) What are
the molecular basis and possible manipulations which may help fruit ripening?
15 marks
(b) Illustrate your answer with suitable example, the mechanism by which
movement of ions takes place across the cell membrane. 15 marks
(c) Explain with examples, in what way ecosystems and conservation help in the
formation of a developed biosphere.20 marks
Q8. (a) Discuss the
concept and dynamics of a plant community. Illustrate with suitable
examples. 20 marks
(b) Explain the relevance and importance of the following:15 marks
(i) Protected area
(ii) Invasive species
(iii) Approaches for 'Environmental Impact Assessment
(c) Explain the approaches of Stress physiology in relation to salinity and
metal stresses. Support your answer with examples.20 marks
CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018 BOTANY (Paper I)
1. Describe the following in about
150 words each :
1.(a) Structure of
mycoplasma and its importance 10 marks
1.(b) Replication of plant viruses 10 marks
1.(c) Plant Quarantine 10 marks
1.(d) Spermocarp and Cystocarp 10 marks
1.(e) Structure and importance of Lichens 10 marks
2.(a) Describe the
role of micro-organisms in medicine and industry. 20 marks
2.(b) Write an account of defense structures in plants against pathogens. 15
2.(c) Comment on morphological nature of sporocarp in Marsilea. 15 marks
3. Write the name
of the causal organism, symptoms and control measures of the following
diseases: 121/2x4=50 marks
3.(a) Green ear disease of Bajra
3.(b) Paddy blast
3.(c) Angular leaf spot of cotton
3.(d) Sandal spike
4.(a) Give an
account of distribution and economic importance of Bryophytes in India.15 marks
4.(b) Describe the male and female cones of Pinus.15 marks
4.(c) Explain distinguishing characters of Dipterocarpaceae, Asteraceae and
Orchidaceae.20 marks
5. Describe the following in about
150 words each:
5.(a) Floral
morphology (Fructification) and L.S. of ovule of Cycadeoidea.10 marks
5.(b) Typification in plant nomenclature. 10 marks
5.(c) Development of endosperm and its functions 10 marks
5.(d) Different types of Herbaria 10 marks
5.(e) Generation of Symmetric hybrids 10 marks
6.(a) Compare the
systems of classifications proposed by Hutchinson and Cronquist with a note on
their merits and demerits. 15 marks
6.(b) Describe the different types of stomata in dicots. 10 marks
6.(c) Discuss the essential components of a Botanical garden. Write the names
of important Botanical gardens in India. 10 marks
6.(d) Describe the process of protoplast isolation and mention the applications
of protoplast culture. 15 marks
7.(a) Describe the
role of xylem and phloem in secondary growth of plants. 20 marks
7.(b) Comment on salient features of Cordaitales. 10 marks
7.(c) Discuss the leaf anatomy of C3 and C4 plants.10 marks
7.(d) Describe the major types of embryos with suitable examples.10 marks
8.(a) Write an
account of the following families with reference to floral formula and floral
diagram. Give Botanical names of four important plant species belonging to each
of the families and mention their uses :20 marks
(i) Euphorbiaceae
(ii) Asclepiadaceae
(iii) Poaceae
8.(b) Write Botanical names and their families of plants yielding spices, drugs
and insecticides and mention the parts used therein. 15 marks
8.(c) Write notes on the following: 71/2 x2=15 marks
(i) NPC system of classification of pollen grains
(ii) Cytodifferentiation and its regulation
CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018 BOTANY (Paper 2)
Q1Answer the following questions:
10x5=50 marks
"Organelles bound by membranes in eukaryotic cells have originated from
endosymbiosis of prokaryotic cells." Explain this statement with the help
of some suitable diagrams. 10 marks
(b) Gray seed colour in peas is dominant over the white. In the following
experiments, parents with known phenotypes but unknown genotypes produced the
following progeny:
Parents Progeny
Gray White
Gray x Gray 82 78
(ii) Gray x Gray 118 39
(iii) White x White 0 50
(iv) Gray x White 74 0
(v) Gray x Gray 90 0
Using the letter G for gray and g for white, give the genotype of each parent.
10 marks
(c) Explain the concept of multiple alleles with one example. 10 marks
(d) Why is RNA considered as the first living molecule ? Discuss its role in
the origin of life. 10 marks
(e) Briefly describe the different methods of gene transfer in plants. 10 marks
Q2.(a) Briefly
discuss the cellular function of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum with
required diagrams. 20 marks
(b) How are insect resistant transgenic plants developed ? Which gene is used
in this technology ? Briefly explain the rationale of the technology. 20 marks
(c) Which statistical test is used to determine whether the observed progeny of
a cross fits or differs from the expected values ? Name the test and briefly
describe the steps involved. 10 marks
Q3.(a) Discuss the
role of cyclin-dependent protein kinases in controlling the cell cycle. Explain
with the help of a diagram. 20 marks
(b) (i) Explain the synthetic theory of organic evolution, 10 marks
(ii) Enumerate the different causes of heterosis. 10 marks
(c) Explain the importance of the following techniques : 10 marks
(i) FISH
(ii) Molecular probe
Q4.(a) Briefly
describe the following terms and emphasize their applications: 15 marks
(i) Restriction endonucleases
(ii) Mutation breeding
(iii) Gene mapping
(b) Describe with suitable diagram, the lac operon of bacterium E. Coli.
Discuss the control mechanism of the operon which produces the enzymes
necessary for catabolizing the lactose. 20 marks
(c) Describe the structure and function of Plasmodesmata. 15 marks
5. Describe the following in about
150 words each:
Q5. Explain each of
the following:
(a) Water potential 10 marks
(b) Glycolysis 10 marks
(c) Phloem loading 10 marks
(d) Phytogeographical regions of India 10 marks
(e) Components of an ecosystem 10 marks
Q6. (a) What is
Phosphorylation ? Differentiate between photophosphorylation and oxidative
phosphorylation. 20 marks
(b) What is red data book ? Describe it. Discuss the various IUCN threat
categories. 20 marks
(c) How do plants monitor day length ? Discuss the various categories of plants
based on their photoperiodic responses. What happens when the dark period is
interrupted by night break and why? 20 marks
Q7. (a) What is
ecological succession ? Discuss the various models describing the mechanism of
succession. 15 marks
(b) Define plant community. Discuss the various analytical characters of plant
community. 15 marks
(c) Define enzyme, prosthetic groups, coenzymes and isoenzymes, Discuss the
mechanism of enzyme action. 20 marks
Q8. (a) Describe C4
pathway of CO, fixation. Discuss the advantages that the C4 plants have over C3
plants. 20 marks
(b) What is biodiversity ? Discuss the major strategies for the conservation of
biodiversity. 15 marks
(c) Define natural forests and mention the name of the forest type covering the
maximum area in India. Discuss the major forest types in India as described by
Champion and Seth. 15 marks
UPSC IAS Mains Exam Paper - 2017 : Botany
(Paper - I)
Time Allowed :
Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 250
Question Paper Specific Instructions
Please read each of
the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :
There are EIGHT questions
divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and
Candidate has to
attempt FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. 1 and 5 are
compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be
attempted choosing at least ONE question from each section.
The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated
against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the
Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this
Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given
for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered
to. Diagrams/figures, wherever required, may be drawn in the space provided for
answering the question itself.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order.
Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet
must be clearly struck off.
Q1. Describe the
following in about 150 words each :
(a) Parasexuality
in Fungi
(b) Phycobiliproteins
(c) Tetrapolar Heterothallism
(d) Salient features of Lichens
(e) Peristome
Q2. (a) What is meant by Modelling and how does it help
in disease forecasting ?
(b) Describe the diplobiontic life cycle of Polysiphonia.
(c) Draw a well-labelled diagram of L.S. of Gnetum ovule and briefly describe
its female gametophyte also.
Q3. (a) Describe the symptoms, causal organisms and
control measures of white rust of crucifers and red rot of sugarcane.
(b) Make a comparison of Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotopsida and Bryopsida classes
of Bryophyta with special reference to sporophytes only.
(c) Give an account of distribution of living Gymnosperms in India.
Q4. (a) Give an account of genetic recombination in bacteria.
(b) Describe the evolution of Stellar System in Pteridophyta with proper
(c) Give an account of different modes of transmission of plant viruses.
Q5. Describe the
following in about 150 words each :
(a) Embryology in
relation to Taxonomy, with examples
(b) Vavilov's centers of origin in plants
(c) Symmetry in plants with relation to morphogenesis
(d) International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(e) Androgenic haploid plants
Q6. (a) Comment on polyembryony and apomixis in
flowering plants.
(b) Write an account of Ethnobotany in relation to modern day drug discovery.
(c) "Clonal micropropagation is useful in Floriculture industry.” Explain
the process with some suitable examples.
Q7. (a) Describe the classification given by Engler and
Prantl and comment on its merits and demerits.
(b) Give an account of the following :
(i) Developmental
details of interxylary phloem
(ii) Anomalous secondary growth in Dracaena stem
(c) Explain the somaclonal variations and their applications in
plant breeding.
Q8. (a) Write an account of the following families with
reference to floral diagram and floral formula. Give botanical names of four
important plant species belonging to each of the families and specify their
uses :
(i) Cucurbitaceae
(ii) Solanaceae
(iii) Liliaceae
(b) Describe the
plants used as sources of fibres, dyes and resins with suitable examples.
(c) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Cytoplasmic
(ii) Chemotaxonomy
Time Allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 250
(Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting
There are EIGHT questions divided in two
Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions
in all.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are
compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by a question/part is
indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the
Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this
Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given
for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, if specified, should be adhered
to. Diagrams/figures, wherever required, may be drawn in the space provided for
answering the question itself.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential
order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if
attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
Q1. Answer/Explain the following:
(a) Draw a labelled diagram of prokaryotic and eukaryotic
chloroplast and describe their functions.
(b) Molecular basis of sex differentiation
(c) Role of mutations in plant evolution
(d) Molecular basis of cell cycle
(e) Student's t-test is a test of significance. Explain.
Q2. (a) Explain the
importance of numerical and structural variations in chromosomes with respect
to crop varieties.
(b) What is the significance of chromatin organization and packaging in genome?
(c) What is apomixis? Write about its relevance in plant breeding.
Q3. (a) Define vertical
and lateral transfer of genes. Explain their importance with at least one
example of each.
(b) (i) What are the genetic bases of male sterility?
(ii) How can a protein solution be sterilized?
(c) Explain the significance and importance of the following with at least one
example :
(i) Gene silencing
(ii) Multigene families
(iii) Transgenic crops and their future
Q4. (a) Explain with
suitable examples the importance and significance of the following :
(i) Quantitative genetics
(ii) Linkage and crossing-over
(iii) Molecular maps
(iv) Sex-linked inheritance
(b) Elaborate on the use of molecular markers in plant
(c) Write brief notes on the following:
(i) Southern blotting
(ii) RT-PCR
(iii) Mass selection
Q5. Explain the following:
(a) b-oxidation
(b) GS-GOGAT system
(c) Phytochelatins
(d) Biotic factors
(e) Biosphere reserve as a part of protected area network
Q6. (a) Describe the
nature and importance of ion fluxes during stomatal movement.
(b) Comment on compartmentation of biochemical events in photorespiration. Add
a note on the significance of photorespiration.
(c) What are the purposes and aims of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)?
What are the guiding principles for an effective EIA process? Write the main
steps of an idealized EIA.
Q7. (a) Describe the
physiological changes associated with the process of seed germination.
(b) Citric acid cycle is an amphibolic process. Discuss.
(c) What is sedimentary cycle? Explain the flow of an element showing
sedimentary cycle through diagrammatic representation. What are the
anthropogenic influences on such elemental cycle(s) ?
Q8. (a) . Differentiate
between primary active transport and secondary active transport.
(b) What is the concept of ecosystem? How does succession influence the
diversity and stability of an ecosystem?
(c) Define sustainable development. How do global warming and climatic changes
influence the endemic flora and fauna of a region?
UPSC IAS Mains Optional Botany
(Paper -1 & Paper -2) Exam Paper - 2016
Botany Paper-1
1. Briefly describe the following in not more than 150
words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Role of microbes in mining and pharmaceuticals 10
(b) Ultrastructure of flagella in Algae 10 marks
(c) Role of soil solarization in disease control 10 marks
(d) Lytic cycle of bacteriophage 10 marks
(e) Physiological relationship of two partners in Lichens 10 marks
2.(a) Explain the molecular basis of infection and disease
resistance in plants. 15+5=20 marks
(b) Describe the characteristic features of Cyanobacteria and mention its role
in nitrogen fixation. 10+5=15 marks
(c) Write down the characters of pteridophytes resembling bryophytes and
gymnosperms. 7.5+7.5=15 marks
3.(a) Discuss the evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.
20 marks
(b) Trace the transition from multisporangia to conidia in Mucorales with
illustrations and suitable examples. 8+7=15 marks
(c) Describe the different stages in the development of female gametophyte
within the ovule in Cyeus. 15 marks
4. Give the name of the causal organism, symptoms
and control measures of any four important crop diecaces caused respectively by
12.5x4=50 marks
(a) a fungus
(b) a bacterium
(c) a virus
(d) a mycoplasma
5. Briefly describe the following in about 150 words each
: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Forensic application of palynology 10 marks
(b) Procedure and maintenance of Herbarium 10 marks
(c) Tumour cells and their culture 10 marks
(d) Xylem and phloem differentiation 10 marks
(e) Energy plantations 10 marks
6.(a) Describe the principles and application of embryo
culture techniques, mentioning the protocol for embryo culture. 15+5=20 marks
(b) Write an account of the following families in regard to their floral
structures. Give the botanical names of three important plant species belonging
to each of the families and specify their uses : 10x3=30 marks
(i) Asclepiadaceae
(ii) Musaceae
(iii) Apiaccac
7.(a) Discuss the principle and application of Numerical
Taxonomy 5+10=15 marks
(b) Give the botanical names of latex yielding plants with narcotic properties
and also write the names of the plant-parts used therein. 7.5+7.5=15 marks
(c) How anthers and pollens are cultured in vitro ? Discuss its
importance in the production of haploid plants. 12+8=20 marks
8.(a) Compare and contrast the systems of classification
of angiosperms proposed by Hutchinson and Takhtajan. 10+10=20 marks
(b) Differentiate between normal and abnormal secondary growth in dicot stem.
Discuss with suitable examples. Draw labelled diagrams. 10+5=15 marks
(c) Write notes on the following: 7.5+7.5=15 marks
(i) Heart wood and Sap wood
(ii) Different types of trichomes
Botany Paper-2
1. Explain the following: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Polyteny differs from polyploidy 10 marks
(b) Factors affecting recombination frequencies 10 marks
(c) Chi-square test as a test of goodness of fit 10 marks
(d) C-value paradox 10 marks
(e) Chemical mutagens 10 marks
2. (a) Explain and describe the tools and techniques of
FISH. 20 marks
(b) Describe the basic structure of a nucleosome. 15 marks
(c) "The consequences of translocations are profound. They lead not only
to a change in gene linkage in the translocated sections but also to easily
incurred meiotic abnormalities." Discuss. 15 marks
3.(a) Citing suitable evidences, explain plastid
inheritance in four o'clock plant. 15 marks
(b) Discuss Inbreeding depression versus Heterosis. 15 marks
(c) How does the Ins P3/DAG pathway participate in the process of translocation
of cellular signals ? 20 marks
4. Briefly describe the characteristics and applications
of the following: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Back cross method 10 marks
(b) Restriction endonucleases 10 marks
(c) Transgenic plants as living Lioruuclor's 10 marks
(d) Molecular markers 10 marks
(e) Retroviruses as vectors 10 marks
5. Explain the following: 10x5=50
(a) Apoenzyme 10 marks
(b) Ethylene as a volatile hormone 10 marks
(c) Soil salinity also restricts the growth of plants 10 marks
(d) Taiga or Boreal forests 10 marks
(e) "The pyramid of energy always takes a true upright shape." Why?
10 marks
6.(a) Describe the role of glyoxysomes in conversion of
fats into more mobile molecules. 15 marks
(b) Distinguish between phloem loading and phloem unloading.15 marks
(c) What is Niche overlap ? Narrate the biogeographic classifications of India.
5+10=15 marks
7.(a) What are the functions of the enzymes which need
copper, zinc and molybdenum as their co-factors ? 15 marks
(b) Enumerate the effects of oil spillage and suggest the control and
remedial measures of it. 5+5+5=15 marks
(c) Define ecological succession. Describe the causes and basic types of
ecological succession. 5+10+5=20 marks
8. Briefly describe the given terms and emphasize their
importance/ significance 10x5=50 marks
(a) Recycling is an integral part of solid waste
management 10 marks
(b) 0TEC 10 marks
(c) Allosteric enzymes and Feedback control 5+5=10 marks
(d) Biosafety and Bioremediation 5+5=10 marks
(e) Solar pond 10 marks
"Great insights on choosing Botany for the UPSC Main Exam! The detailed coverage of important topics and strategy tips are super helpful for aspirants looking to ace this optional subject."
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