UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020
Marks: 250 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each:
(a) "The strength of Public Administration is in its exploration of the complexities and nuances of public policy making and implementation." Discuss.
(b) Principles of analysis and principles of action were not differentiated in Taylor's scientific management. Comment
(c) "Arbitrariness in the application of rule of law is a primary cause of poor governance." Discuss.
(d) Departments, Boards and Commissions as forms of organization are dissimilar in the context of accountability and responsibility." Analyse.
(e)Administrative man bridges the psychological man and the rational man. Explain.
Q2.(a) The movement towards governance as an organizing concept for public administration and management is because the focus of administration has been shifting from the bureaucratic state to the 'hollow state' and 'third-party government. Critically examine.
(b) "Organizations of the future will be organic-adaptive structures but temporary systems." Discuss how Warren Bennis characterises the new form of orgunization.
(c) "Productivity is not the result of working conditions but the result of emotional response of workers to work performed." Are Elton Mayo's findings relevant in contemporary organiza tions?
Q3.(a) Performance information use is a form of organizational behaviour that is influenced by individual. job, organizational and environmental factors." Critically analyse.
(b) New Public Service emphasizes democracy and citizenship as the basis for public administra tion theory and practice. Elucidate.
(c) "Accountability under New Public Management has undergone a radical change, although the focus has continued to remain on management." Comment
Q4.(a) "Developments in the field of Administrative Law reflect an increasingly blurred boundary between the state and society, and between justice and administration." Has administrative law become more constitutional than the Constitution itself? Argue.
(b) The content and process theories of motivation have the same focus but are different in approaches." Do you agree? Give reasons.
(c) Thrust on the citizen centricity and Right based approaches, aim to empower the citizens. In the light of the above, has the administrative accountability improved ? Justify your argument
Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each:
(a) "Comparative Public Administration started with no paradigm of its own and developed nane" Comment
(b) "Markets, hierarchies and networks represent modem govering structures in government." Explain.
(c) Has policy analysis become a major source of legitimation of status quo in political and social order? Discuss.
(d) "Fiscal policy should address the issues of inequity, intricacy and obscurantism." Explain.
(e) "Prevention of misconduct requires institutionalization of ethical values at the political and administrative levels." Justify.
Q6.(a) "Administrative ideas must be seen in the context of environment in which they develop." In the light of the above statement, examine the influence of New Public Management and Information and Communication Technologies on comparative study of Public Administration.
(b) Affirmative action in socio-economic development has not altogether eliminated discrimination. Discuss it in the context of women empowerment.
(c) Have political realities thwarted the move towards evidence based policy making ? Critically examine.
Q7.(a) “Globalization is impacting the context of national policy making. The national policy agenda is becoming international.” Explain.
(b) "Collaboration and its cognates for public service delivery need to be viewed from the governance lenses." Comment. |
(c) Administrative reform is "an artificial inducement of administrative transformation against resistance." (Gerald Caiden). Identify the nature of resistance and inducements required to overcome it.
Q8.(a)"Disruptive nature of developments in Information Technology has changed the contours of e-governance in the last one decade." Analyse.
(b) "Performance Management Framework enables a clear line of sight between planning, measuring and monitoring performance." Critically analyse.
(c) "Objectives of performance budgeting include improving expenditure prioritization, effectiveness and efficiency." Has performance budgeting worked effectively in governmental system ? Argue.
Marks: 250 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(a) Mughal administration incorporated a combination of indian and extra-Indian clements. Discuss.
(b) There is a constant and continuous collision between bureaucratic values and democratic values which adversely affects development. Do you agree? Elaborate.
(c) Parliamentary committees are at the deliberative core of parliamentary work which is crucial for resining legislations. Elucidate.
(d) Considering India's diversity, the planning pattern of 'one-size-fits-all' was discarded in favour of indicative planning. To what extent has it been useful to India?
(e) Even if all the States combine together, they cannot have their way decision-making in the GST Council, unless the Union agrees to it. Analy this in the perspective of federalism in India,
Q2.(a) District administration is the most important unit in governance. Most of the Central and State Government schemes and programmes are directed towards the district administration. In this context, discuss the challenges and problems posed to the district administration,
(b) The structural part of the Constitution of India is to a large extent derived from the Government of India Act, 1935, whereas its philosophical part has many other sources. Discuss the sources of the philosophical part.
(c) The public services in India are an evolution of the British Raj. Trace the Indianization of the services.
Q3.(a) Does the privatization of key public sector bodies augur well for welfarisin in India? Discuss with suitable illustrations,
(b) The spirit of democratic values requires that the independence of judiciary remains absolute. It is high time that the All India Judicial Service (AIJS) was created. Elaborate.
(c) To strengthen the Election Commission of India and its commissioners is the need of the hour. Suggest measures to make it more independent and impartial.
Q4.(a) Examine the National Health Policy in the context of the current pandomia situation, Identify the problems and suggest improvements.
(b) The Speaker of the State Assembly has assumed a significant role in formations and dissolutions of governmenta. Examine under the circumstances of coalition governments with examples.
(c) At the district level, police functions under the overall supervision and control of the District Magistrate. Comment.
Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(a) Political neutrality of civil servants has been regarded as one of the cardinal principles in democrntic governments. Is its sanctity being maintained in practice in India? Elucidate.
(b) Budget is anindicntor of financial health of a polity which is reflected in the statement of income and expenditure. Discuss.
(c) Panchayati Raj Institutions are still plagued by State control and domination of bureaucracy. Argue your casc.
(d) Urban local governance is perpetually afflicted with lack of financial autonomy and starvation of funds. Elaborate.
(e) There has been a long-standing demand for separation of police investigation from prosecution. Analyze its merits and demerits.
Q6.(a) The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India stands on the pillar of autonomy. Discuss the major lacunae in the functioning of this constitutional body and also suggest measures for its strengthening.
(b) Implementation of administrative reforms is humongous and arduous. What lacks the push to realize the changes?
(c)Immediate post-retirement appointments of high officers of governmen have become a new trend. Discuss its pros and cons.
Q7.(a) Ward committees in urban local governance have remained more tigers. The ideal of realizing effective people's participation in collabor with local functionaries is still in the pipeline. Evaluate the gap in the and practice.
(b) Police needs to be made accountable and freed from the grip of politics. It is a big challenge not only for law and order but also for the development of the country. Critically examine.
(c) Civil servants are trained to follow rules and procedures so much that they become bureaucrazy. Do you agree? Justify.
Q8.(a) "There are adequate legal mechanisms to address corruption malpractices in administration, but they have failed to curb the mea any noticeable degree." In the light of this statement, discuss the efficacy the institution of Lokayukta in Indian States.
(b) Despite the constitutional provisions for representation, the voice weaker of sections is not having the desired impact in the realms of Panchayati Raya Institutions. Critically examine.
(c) Ideally citizen-administration interface is supposed to be based on trustworthiness and purposesulness, in reality it is observed to be plagued by suspicion, conflicts, stresses and strains. Do you agree? Elaborate.
UPSC Mains Exam 2019
Marks: 250
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Answer the following in about 150 words each: 10 x 5 = 50
Q1 (a) “Public
Administration is constantly being reinvented because it is contextual.”
Elaborate. 10 Marks
(b) “Bureau pathology
denigrates competence in organization.” Explain. 10 Marks
(c) “If there is ever to be
a science of Public Administration it must derive from an understanding of
man’s behaviour”. Explain. 10
(d) “Chester Barnard in
‘The Function of the Executive’ injected ‘the social’ in the study of
organization. Explain in this context how the executive is expected to play a
much greater role than a manager.” 10
(e) “Delegated legislation
has become a strategic tool in the hands of the executive despite its utility.”
Comment. 10 Marks
Q2 (a) “Governance is neither a
paradigm nor a panacea for all the ills of government. It may be a more useful
approach when other methods fail in providing public service.” Critically
evaluate. 20 Marks
(b) With the entry of the
concept of ‘good governance’ the discipline of Public Administration has shed
its statist character. Explain. 15
(c) Has New Public
Management failed in promoting a democratic polity? Analyze in the contexts of
individuals as a citizen and individuals as a costumer. 15 Marks
Q3(a) “Globalization has constructed
the administrative state to save and serve corporate power structure.” Discuss
how transnational corporation impact government and public administration in
the contemporary era. 20 Marks
(b) “Red light and Green
light theories provide contrasting approaches to the role of administrative
law.” Which of the two theories will be effective in achieving the objectives
of administration law? Justify your choice. 15 Marks
(c) “The advent of the
regulatory regimes indicates the demise of the arbitrator state.”
Comment. 15 Marks
Q4(a) Contingency theory of
organization is founded on the interplay of ‘external fit’ and ‘internal fit’.
Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) Mary Parker Follett
traced the foundational value of business and enterprise on her way to
understand the organism of governmental machinery. Comment. 15 Marks
(c) “Media the Fourth
estate is in chains.” Examine the statement in the context of governmental
accountability. 15 Marks
Answer the following in about 150
words each: 10 x 5 = 50 Marks
Q5(a) Contractualism has became a favourite
policy of the neoliberal forces, but now without its share of controversy.
Argue. 10 Marks
(b) The failure to discard
its elitist character and west-centric orientation has led to the decline of
Comparative Public Administration. Explain. 10 Marks
(c) “Maximum social gain” in public policy making is an attractive
goal which is rarely found in practices. Discuss. 10 Marks
(d) A narrow view of
information comes in the way of successful implementation of MIS in
organization. Analyze. 10 Marks
(e) Has e-governance led to
debureaucratization and decentralization ? Assess its impact on bureaucratic
inertia. 10 Marks
Q6(a) “Development dynamics is marked
by a dilemma : the concept of development has a built-in participatory
orientation but the practice of development has been inherently exclusionary.”
Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) A more effective system
of performance appraisal should acknowledge the subjective elements in it and
be less obsessed with the objective criteria. Elucidate. 15 Marks
(c) Is William Niskanen’s
“Budget Maximising Model” relevant today? Argue. 15 Marks
Q7(a) Performance measurement remains
an emerging issues but it is relegated to exclusively monitor and assess the
use of funds. In light of the statement discuss various non-financial parameters
of performance measurement to evaluate public sector organization. 20 Marks
(b) The imperatives of
administrative ethics are necessarily an anudole to “I was only obeying the
orders” argument by public official. Explain. 15 Marks
(c) Discuss the major areas
of change in the Tax-Reforms of the post liberisation era. How do you justify
the importance of the direct Tax reforms in this context? 15 Marks
Q8(a) In a society marked by social
inequity and gender inequality women self-help groups are bound to play a
marginal role. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. 20 Marks
(b) In the era of
increasing stress on productivity work study provides the road ahead for the
administration. Identify the positive attributes of work study in the light of
the statement. 15 Marks
(c) In the absence of a
merit-based, fair and objective civil service a more partisan and corrupt
government will emerge. Is the statement justified? Give reason. 15 Marks
UPSC Mains Exam 2019
Marks: 250
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answers the following in about
150 words each: 10 x 5 = 50 Marks
(a) In the text of
Arthashastra, ‘the state is neither a police State nor merely a tax gathering
State’. Comment. 10 Marks
(b) The economic reforms
have significantly infringed the basic values and spirits of the Indian
Constitution. Examine. 10 Marks
(c) Macaulay’s ideas on
Indian Civil Service Corresponded to the elite theory of bureaucracy, which
continue to persist. Do you agree? Justify. 10 Marks
(d) There has been an
opinion that the ethos of Indian Judicial System continue to be colonial.
Suggest measures for raising the level of judicial excellence for achieving
speedy justices. 10 Marks
(e) Various commissions have reiterated the crucial role of the
Governor in Indian system of governance, but the successive governments have
not heeded to make Governor’s office apolitical. Examine with example. 10 Marks
Q2(a) Article 356 acts, “very much
like the proverbial bolt from the blue…. without giving an opportunity or
notices to the State Government to correct its alleged shortcoming”. This
phenomenon not only undermines the autonomy of the State Government, but also
demeans the statue of the President of India. Critically analyze. 20 Marks
(b) Public Sector
Undertaking were expected to take the Indian economy to the “commanding
heights” instead the successive governments have been pushing for
disinvestment. Critically examine how the scenario has changed over the
years. 20 Marks
(c) Emerging developmental
aspirations of the society necessitate the constitutional amendment to change
the present safeguards available to the civil servants. Evaluate the pros and
cons of such amendment. 10 Marks
Q3(a) “Strong PMO is anti-thesis to
the feature of collective responsibility of Council of Ministers”. Examine the
issues in relation to the position of PMO via-a-vis Council of Ministers in the
light of this statement. 20 Marks
(b) Capacity issues
relating to employees have hampered the implementation of several government
programmes. Trace the reasons in the context of the provisions of the National
Training Policy, 2012. 20 Marks
(c) The strategy to deal
with the non-performing assets of banks may lead to overburdened taxpayers.
Examine the role of government to protect the interests of both. 10 Marks
Q4(a) Considerable
attention has been paid to the restructuring of the administrative systems at
the Central and local levels, but very few reforms have been undertaken at the
State level. What steps would you suggest to rectify it? 20 Marks
(b) It is observed that non-functioning of District Planning
Committees is preventing the convergence of rural and urban planning needs. Do
you agree? Justify. 20 Marks
(c) The police-public
interface is punctuated with distrust and fear. Suggest how the police can
reform its image in the eyes of the public. 10 Marks
Q5. Answer the following in about 150
words each: 10 x 5 = 50 Marks
(a) The evidences suggest that the
dream of deliberative democracy could not be realized in practice at the
grassroot level. Evaluate the impediments in the functioning of Gram
Sabha. 10 Marks
(b) “The RTI has started
its journey, but is far from its destination.” In the view of the statement,
examine the present’s status of the RTI movement. 10 Marks
(c) The concept of new
localism arrangement may defeat the very purpose of local self-governance. Do
you agree? Justify. 10 Marks
(d) Effective ‘Performance
Management System’ needs to precede ‘taking deadwood out’ from bureaucracy.
Comment. 10 Marks
(e) All weather rural
connectivity scheme to even unconnected rural habitations has the potential to
transform the rural economy. Do you agree? Justify. 10 Marks
Q6(a) The office of the District
Collector has merely become a bureau for funneling government schemes,
collecting statistics and an officer on attendance for unending VIP duties.
Critically examine its role in the light of the recommendations of the Second
Administrative Reforms Commission. 20
(b) Minimal accountability
being the dominant norm in the political system, the Lokpal can only be an
ideal institution with limited effectiveness. Explain. 20 Marks
(c) ‘Sevottam Scheme’ had
great potential to reform service delivery, but opportunity is frittered away.
Comment. 10 Marks
Q7(a) The National Policy on Disaster
Management envisages a paradigm shift from hitherto reactive post-disaster
relief centric regime to more pro-active and enabling environment. Examine the
responses of State Governments in this regards. 20 Marks
(b) Efforts to strengthen
State Finance Commissions have faced apathy of State Governments over the
years, which has also affected the successive Central Finance Commissions in
recommending appropriate fiscal transfers to local bodies. Substantiate the
answer with example. 20 Marks
(c) Accountability of
regulatory bodies would address the problem of over-regulators and help make
them truly facilitators. Analyze the present status of regulators and suggest
measures to induce accountability in the mechanism. 10 Marks
Q8(a) ‘NITI Aayog’ has changed the
way India strategized for economic development, but its effectiveness is yet to
be seen, especially when its financial powers are far less than its
predecessor. Analyze. 20 Marks
(b) Even though the law and
order administration is a State subject, it is paradoxical that the Central
agencies- NIA or paramilitary forces under the Union Government-have restricted
the powers of State Governments. Discuss. 20 Marks
(c) Performance grants
devolved by Finance Commission of India have increased the Financial
accountability of the local bodies. Elaborate. 10 Marks
UPSC Mains Exam 2018
Marks: 250
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
Q1. (a) "The scope of the
discipline of Public Administration is determined by what an administrative
system does." Does it mean that the scope of this discipline is
boundaryless ? Explain.
(b) "The concepts of
rationality and efficiency are intertwined in the bureaucratic analysis of Max
Weber." Comment.
(c) “New Public Service
approach is an improvement over its predecessor, New Public Management."
(d) "A leader is a
people's developer" (Napoleon). Which aspects of subordinates' development
can be positively influenced by a leader? Discuss.
(e) “Herbert Simon's book
Administrative Behaviour presents a synthesis of the classical and behavioural
approaches to the study of Public Administration." Explain.
Q2. (a) Dwight Waldo in his book, The
Administrative State emphatically mentions that the roots of administrative
theory lie in political theory. Critically examine Waldo's contention.
(b) “The Phenomenological
Approach advocated by the New Public Administration has obstructed the path of
theory building in Public Administration." Comment
(c) Discuss the essential
characteristics of public sector-centred and market-centred perspectives in
Public Private Partnerships and also compare the two.
Q3. (a) Communication represents the
“Nerves of Government" (Karl Deutsch). How can the communication system in
the government be made more effective, responsive and motivational?
(b) "Political and
administrative systems have reciprocal relationship.” Discuss.
(c) "An effective
Management Information System (MIS) is the key to successful headquarter-field
Q4. (a) “Form of an organisation
influences the success of a public enterprise, but the choice of a form has
always remained problematic." Discuss the statement in the context of the
comparative merits and limitations of departments, corporations, companies and
boards. Give illustrations.
(b) "Chester Barnard's
model of 'Contribution-Satisfaction Equilibrium' is still considered a logical
model of organisational motivation." Do you agree? Give arguments.
(c) "The political
approach to Public Administration stresses on the values of representativeness
political responsiveness and accountability through elected officials to the
citizenry" (David H. Rosembloom). Comment.
Q5. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
Q5. (a) "The Journey
of Administrative Law has moved much beyond A. V. Dicey.” Comment
(b) Edward Gibbon, the
author of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire remarked : "Corruption, the
most infallible symptom of Constitutional liberty." Critically examine
this statement.
(c) To what extent has
e-governance made the administrative system more citizen-oriented? Can it
(e-governance) be made more participative?
(d) "The issue of
development of women is closely related to the issue of women in
development." How can women become equal partners in the process of
socio-economic development?
(e) "The process of
administrative development is generally slower than the p economic
development." How can the speed of administrative development be made faster?
Q6. (a) In order to be
development-oriented, bureaucracies need to be innovative, flexible,
citizen-centric and result-oriented, but they are slow in imbibing these
virtues in a democratic system. Do we need to go beyond the traditional models
of bureaucracy and create alternative structures? Elaborate.
(b) “Administrative values
have no value unless they are valued by all stakeholders of the governance
system." Comment
(c) “Lateral entry is an
antidote to the complacency in civil service.” Discuss.
Q7. (a) How does ethnocentrism impact
development administration in achieving sustainable goals ? Argue with
(b) “Monetary policy of a
country can help or hinder its development process." Discuss.
(c) "Sound Performance
Auditing is impossible without systematic Performance or Outcome
Budgeting." Explain the relationship between the two.
Q8. (a) "Administrative systems
across the world can be understood only in their respective historical and
social contexts." Explain the statement giving examples.
(b) Currently, administrative
training focuses more on improving efficiency than on transforming the
attitudes and behaviour of civil servants. What type of training will you
suggest to fill this gap? Elaborate.
(c) "A public policy
without the active involvement of people in its formulation, implementation and
evaluation is only a facade." How can this anomaly be corrected?
UPSC Mains Exam 2018
Marks: 250
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
a. “A government
next-door is the government that matters most for the people.” Discuss the
statement with special reference to the values of local government.
b. The philosophy of the Westminster model is at odds with the political
culture of India.” Critically analyse.
c. “The attached offices and subordinate offices are integral to the
functioning of the Cabinet Secretariat.” Discuss.
d. It is apprehended that lateral entry will lead to politicisation of
bureaucracy. Do you agree? Justify
e. “Contracting out tasks without effective accountability mechanisms can be
counter-productive for effective service delivery." Comment
Q2. a. "The market-driven
profitability concerns have shaken the foundation of the public sector
undertakings.” Do you agree? Give reasons.
b. It is argued that the NITI Aayog has broken the edifice of planning into
fragments. Comment
c. “Autonomy of civil society is crucial for responsive and effective
administration.” Examine the statement
Q3. a. Critically examine the criteria
adopted by the 15th Finance Commission for allocation of resources to States.
What have been the major issues of contention since the 10th Finance
b. “In the coalition era with elusive majority of a single party in the State
Legislature, the role of the Governor becomes even more challenging."
c. “Development management advocates self-sustaining customer-friendly
institutions at the district level.” Comment.
Q4. a. Climate change issues pose new
challenges for district administration to be proactive.” Elaborate
b. “Judicial overreach to a large extent is a consequence of ineffective
executive.” Examine.
c. "In the transition from the State-led economy to the market economy,
India should rely more on 'indicative planning'.” Do you agree? Explain your
Q5. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
a. “The 'enablers'
and 'facilitators' are yet to replace the inspectors' and “controllers' in the
civil service in India. Do you agree? Justify.
b. “Financial inclusion needs legal backing but it also requires increasing
awareness for it to become a reality.” Discuss
c. "Gender budgeting requires rethinking beyond allocations to become a
powerful tool of gender mainstreaming." Discuss.
d. "Social audit has lent a critical edge to the implementation of
programmes such as MGNREGA." Comment
e. "The AFSPA debate reveals that the Indian paramilitary forces are
caught between the imperatives of national security and protection of human
rights.” Discuss.
Q6. a. "Competency mapping is
important for effective allocation of responsibilities to administrators.” Do
you think that a generalist administrator can handle all issues as effectively
as a specialist Discuss
b. “The recommendations of various commissions on administrative reforms have
not made a radical departure from the Paul Appleby Report.” Do you agree ? Give
c. "Performance management requires identification of indicators and
measures to ensure that goals are achieved efficiently." Discuss
Q7. a. “Rural development programmes
have failed to effectively address the problems of small and marginal farmers.”
Analyse and give suggestions.
b. “In the Network Era the TRAI has the challenging task of protecting the Net
Neutrality from digital aggression.” Comment
c. “Neighbourhood management provides an appropriate global strategy of dealing
with social exclusion in the urban development scenario." Comment
Q8. a. "Effective public grievance
redressal requires administrative commitment. But process reengineering can
help prevent some grievances.” Discuss
b. “Institutional change is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
reducing criminalisation of politics." Examine
c. "The disempowerment and depoliticisation of urban local government has
happened in multiple ways.” Comment
UPSC Mains Exam 2017
Marks: 250
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each:
(a) Even after 130 years of its publication, Woodrow Wilson’s essay “The
Study of Administration” continues to have great relevance even today.” Comment (10 Marks)
(b) “What is distinctive about the
Classic al and Human Relations Schools of thought administration is their complementarily
to each other “. Analyse (10 Marks)
(c) “Conflict is the appearance of
differences –the difference of opinions and of interest”. (Mary Parker Follet).
Comment (10 Marks)
(d) “Leaders do the right things;
managers do them rightfully” –(Warren Bennis) . Is this distinction by him
valid ? Explain (10 Marks)
(e) “Administrative Law is recognized
by its substance rather than its form .” Discuss (10 Marks)
(a) New Public Management has been branded by certain scholars as
‘Neo-Taylorism’ . Is it a justified comparison? What factors have led to the
decline of NPM as soon after its birth? (20 Marks)
(b) “Abraham Maslow’s ‘ Hierarchy of
Needs’ and Frederick Herzberg’s “Two Factor Theory” have commonalities in the
analysis of human motivation .” Comment (15 Marks)
(c) Civil Society supplement s and
complements the State. However, its capacity and role depend upon the will of
the State. Comment (15 Marks)
(a) The Participative Management School of Argyris and Likert advocates
democracy within the administrative system. Will this approach be equally
useful to developing countries with evolving democracies? (20 Marks)
(b) “Executive position imply a complex
morality and require a high capacity of responsibility” – (Chester Bernand).
Comment (15 Marks)
(c) When the media is controlled by
vested interest s, how can it control the vested interests in the government?
How can the media become more responsible and impartial? (15 Marks)
(a) “With every major transformation in the applied world of Public
Administration , the study of Public Administration has grown in scope and
intensity.” Discuss the relationship between the evolution of the discipline
and profession of Public Administration. (15 Marks)
(b)”Systems Theory” in essence is not a
theory , but an approach to the study of administrative phenomena .” Comment (15
(c) The principle of delegated
legislation is, I think right, but I was emphasise that it is well for
Parliament to keep a watchful and even zealous eye on it at all stages “-
(Herbert Morrison ) Analyze. (15 Marks)
Q1. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) “Budgeting is apolitical process” – (Aaron Wildavsky) (10 Marks)
(b) “Development Administration and
Administrative Development have a chicken and egg kind of
relationship”.-(Riggs) . Elaborate (10 Marks)
(c) “Digitalization provides great
impetus to E-governance .” Discuss (10 Marks)
(d) “360 degree performance appraisal
system is a rational idea, but it involves complex and inauthentic procedures”.
How can it be made foolproof? (10 Marks)
(e) “A large public debt forces the
adoption of tax and spending policies that result into higher taxes and reduced
services.” Analyze (10 Marks)
(a) “Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization have transformed the
nature of development administration .” Discuss (20 Marks)
(b)” Lateral entry of competent experts
into the government will promote freshness and innovation, but it can create
problems of accountability.” (15 Marks)
(c) “There can be no performance
auditing without performance budgeting “. ( 15 Marks)
(a) “The Riggsian models of Fusion –Prismatic-Diffracted Societies and
their administrative systems have been inspired by Max Weber’s typology of
Traditional Charismatic Legal-Rational Authorities.” Analyze ( 20 Marks)
(b) “Bureaucracy has inbuilt
limitations to act as the prime catalyst to multi-faceted development in a
democratic country”. Analyze this statement with appropriate examples (
15 Marks)
(c) Can be say that statutory audit and
social audit are two sides of the same coin? Or, are they separate coins with
varying values? (15 Marks)
( a) “Various components of Human Resource Management a re inter-related
.” Discuss (20 Marks)
(b) “Administrative ethics includes the
code of conduct of civil servants, but goes beyond it as well.” Discuss (15
(c) “Off all the processes involved in
public policy, implementation is of greatest importance.”Examine the
impediments in policy implementation (15 Marks)
UPSC Mains Exam 2017
Marks: 250
Allowed: 3 Hours
Q1. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) “Constitutionalism is the foundation of the administrative edifice e
in India.” Discuss (10 Marks)
(b) “The status and functioning of the
Cabinet Secretariat face a stiff challenge from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).”
Argue both in favour and against the contention. (10 Marks)
(c) “Effectiveness of local-self
government institutions is hampered due to the lack of capacity building of the
elected representative s.” Elaborate (10 Marks)
(d) “Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
in India face tough competition from the private enterprises and Multi-National
Corporations (MNCs) . “ Explain (10 Marks)
(e) Do you agree that “All India
Judicial Service (AIJS) would contribute to timely delivery of justice to the
citizens? Argue your case (10 Marks)
(a) “The market reforms have not infringed the basic structure of the
Constitution of India, but have largely compromised the realization of the
ideals of social and economic justice.” Comment (20 Marks)
(b) “The idea of lateral entry into the
Civil Services would energies Indian administration.” What are its possible
advantages and limitations? (20 Marks)
(c) “Pro-Active Governance and Timely
implementation (PRAGATI) is an innovative project of the Union Government.”
Discuss its features and modalities (10 Marks)
(a) “The position of council of ministers in a state is reduced to that
of a body of a secretaries in the presence of a domineering of chief minister.”
Critically analyse with examples (20 Marks)
(b) “Indianisation of Public Services
is a slow but steady process.” Explain (20 Marks)
(c)” Digitalization of land records is
a necessary but not sufficient precondition for ensuring transparent district
administration.” Explain (10 Marks)
(a) “Bureaucracy has to make a balance the need for environmental
sustainability and developmental imperatives .” Discuss (20 Marks)
(b) “The chief secretary is often
termed as the alter ego of the Chief Minister.” Discuss, with examples, the
dynamics of their relationship in State administration. (20 Marks)
(c) ’District Planning Committee (DPC)
has been the weakest structure in the local self-government mechanism in India.”
Analyze with examples (10 Marks)
Q5. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) “The institution of Gram Sabha has very little connection with the
Gandhian spirit of direct democracy.” Critically examine (10 Marks)
(b) “There is a need for greater inclusion
of technocrats in bureaucracy to ensure effective governance in India.” Do you
agree” Elucidate (10 Marks)
(c) “Civil servants should avoid airing
grievances in the media.” In the context, discuss the grievance redressal
mechanisms available to the Civil Servants in India. (10 Marks)
(d) Do you think k that Public Service
Guarantee Act s passed by various State Governments are an extension to the
Citizen Charter? Give reasons (10 Marks)
(a) “The Prime Ministers awards for Excellence in Public Administration
encourage good governance initiatives. “ Discuss some such initiatives by the
Civil Servants in this context. (20 Marks)
(b) “Implementation of Goods and
Services Tax (GST) has led to a paradigm shift in the Centre-State relations,
both financially and politically.” Analyze with examples (20 Marks)
(c) “The Right to Information (RTI) has
started its journey but is far from its destination.” Comment (10
(a) “Disaster preparedness and management has become an important
component of district administration in India.” Discuss with suitable
illustrations (20 Marks)
(b) In view of the contemporary
internal scenario should “law and order” be made a part of the Concurrent List
of the Constitution of India? Justify your opinion (20 Marks)
(c) ”The image of Indian Police can be
improved if its structure and orientations are transformed radically.” Do you
agree? Elaborate (10 Marks)
(a) Discuss, with sustainable examples, the emerging challenges faced by
the Regulatory Commission s as to the arbitrary agents between the State and
the market forces (20 Marks)
(b) “The ‘policy of non-action’
regarding the institutional mechanisms and legal provisions to eradicate
corruption is a feature of Indian Administration.” Critically examine (20
(c) “The Second Administrative Reform
Commission (ARC) makes a strong case for the principle of subsidiary
.”Elaborate (10 Marks)
UPSC Mains Optional Public Administration - 2016
Public Administration (Paper -1)
1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) "Taylorism is considered very controversial despite its
popularity." (Stephen P. Waring) Comment
(b) "Public Administration is the translation of politics into reality
that citizens see everyday." (Donald F. Kettl and James W. Fesler)
(c) Morale can drive an organization forward or can lead to employees'
discontent, poor job performance and absenteeism." Examine.
(d) "The autonomy of Public Corporations raised a great debate about their
internal working and external relation with the Ministers and the
Parliament." Discuss.
(e) "In spite of certain advantages, Social Audit arrangements have mostly
been ineffective because there is no legal provision for punitive action."
2.(a) "Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y describe
two contrasting models of workforce motivation applied by managers in an
organization." Examine. 20 marks
(b) "The New Public Administration has seriously jolted the traditional
concepts and outlook of the discipline and enriched the subject by imparting
wider perspective by linking it closely to the society." (Felix A. Nigro
and Lloyd G. Nigro) Elucidate. 15 marks
(c) "The central concern of Administrative Law has been the legal
limitation of administrative discretion." Give reasons. 15 marks
3.(a) "If the Regulatory Commissions .... are wholly
independent, they are completely irresponsible for the doing of very important
policy determining and administrative work on the other hand, to rob the
commissions of their independence is seriously to menace the impartial performance
of their judicial work." (Cushman) Examine. 20 marks
(b) "Good governance is ensuring respect for human rights and the rule of
law, strengthening democracy, promoting transparency and capacity in Public
Administration." (Kofi Annan) In the light of the statement, critically
examine the criteria of good governance as provided by United Nations and Nayef
Al-Rodhan. 15
(c) "The legislative control over administration is not as effective as it
ought to be." Comment 15
4. (a) "Blake and Mouton defined leadership styles based on
two dimensions concern for people and concern for production." In the
light of the statement, discuss the Managerial Grid Model. Explain with reason
which one of the styles is the best. 20 marks
(b) “Bureau-Shaping Model has been developed as a response to the Budget-Maximizing
Model." Comment 15 marks
(c) "Civil society performs a key role in defending people against the
State and market and in asserting the democratic will to influence the
State." Analyze the statement with suitable examples. 15 marks
5. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) "Training is considered as paid holidays." Comment
(b) "Public borrowing produces different effects on the economy."
(c) "Self-Help Groups are considered as onc of the most significant tools
to adopt participatory approach for economic empowerment of women."
(d) "Riggs observed that three 'trends' could be discerned in the
comparative study of Public Administration." Discuss.
(e) "In Public Policy Making, "Rationalism' is the opposite of
'Incrementalism' * Examine.
6. (a) "Fred Riggs continuously changed his theory in order
to create the perfect model. Comment 20 marks
(b) The idea of development stands like a ruin in the intellectual
landscape" and "it is time to dismantle this mental structure".
(Wolfgang Sachs) In the light of the statement, critically examine the
anti-development thesis. 15 marks
(c) "Information Technology brings efficiency and transparency to Public
Administration." Examine the statement with suitable examples. 15 marks
7.(a) "Fiscal policy and monetary policy are the two tools
used by the State to achieve its macroeconomic objectives." Examine the
statement and point out the differences between the tools.20 marks
(b) "A central reason for utilization of Performance Appraisal is
performance improvement of the employees." In the light of the statement,
analyze the needs of Performance Appraisal in an organization. 15 marks
(c) "The problem is to achieve the right balance between a competitive
market economy and an effective State: markets where possible; the State where
necessary." Justify your answer. 15 marks
8.(a) "The key to understanding performance-based budgeting
lies beneath the word 'result." In the light of the statement, examine the
elements of performance-based budgeting, 20 marks
(b) "Disciplinary action may be informal and formal." Explain and
point out the provisions made in the Constitution or Statute to check the
misuse of power to take disciplinary action. 15 marks
(c) "The term work study' may be used in narrower and wider senses."
Elucidate. 15 marks
Public Administration (Paper -2)
1. Attempt all of the
following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) "The Regulating Act of 1773 not only introduced values
in administration but also laid the foundation of centralized administration in
India." Explain. 10 marks
(b) Do you think that some of the ideals enshrined in the Preamble of the
Constitution remain only on paper even today? Critically evaluate. 10
(c) Examine the efficacy of the measures taken to redefine and execute
cooperative federalism in India 10 marks
(d) Evaluate the performance and efficacy of the Maharatna, Navratna and
Miniratna type of Public Sector Undertakings in the context of Liberalization,
Privatization and Globalization (LPG). 10 marks
(e) "The growing prominence of NGOs in development areas is strongly
related to the declining legitimacy of the State.” Explain. 10 marks
2.(a) "In contemporary times, Kautilya's Arthashastra is
relevant more in the field of international relations than in economic
affairs." Analyse the statement. 20 marks
(b) "Dominant centralized administration is correlated with decisive and
authoritative leadership provided by the Prime Minister's office." Explain
with suitable examples since independence. 20 marks
(c) “A significant legacy of the Mughal rule in India is a well-organized
revenue administration at the State and District levels." Comment 10 marks
3.(a) What factors have led to the expansion of the role of the
Ministry of Affairs ? How can it coordinator its affairs more effectively with
the Ministry of Defence? 20 marks
(b) "Introduction of G.S.T. (Goods and Services Tax) no doubt has economic
benefits, but tends to compromise the States' inherent right to impose
taxes." In this context, comment on the changing nature of Union-State
financial relations. 20 marks
(c) "Planning in India has failed to meet the challenges of economic
development and social change.” Discuss the statement in the context of the
emergence of NITI Aayog. 10 marks
4.(a) "The absence of congruence of views on appointments
to judiciary between the Supreme Court and the Union Government has had an
adverse impact on the judicial system." In the light of the above
statement, examine the proposal to constitute an All India Judicial Service
(AIJS). 20 marks
(b) "The separation between regulatory and development functions in many
States has not only weakened the District Collector but also development
administration." Critically examine the need to relook at this policy. 20
(c) "Legislatures have become a place for infighting rather than for
proper policy making." Comment in the context of the working of State
Governments. 10 marks
5. Attempt all of the
following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) "Autonomy granted to higher civil servants tends to
increase their creativity and productivity." Argue the case to make the
civil service more accountable as well as innovative. 10 marks
(b) justify the budgetary support to nationalized banks to overcome the crisis
resulting out of Non-Performing Assets (NPA). 10 marks
(c) "National Green Tribunal is viewed by many critics as a hindrance to
economic development." Evaluate the statement and give arguments in
support of your answer. 10 marks
(d) Is training of police in India still a reflection of the colonial mindset ?
Give reasons for your answer. 10 marks
(e) "The concept of new localism' is related to the emerging nature of the
relationship between the State Governments and local government bodies."
Explain. 10 marks
6.(a) "The goals of good governance will remain utopian if
local governments, responsible for providing all basic services directly to the
citizens, are not empowered as mandated by the 73rd and 74th Constitutional
Amendment Acts." Critically evaluate the status of empowerment of the
local bodies. 20 marks
(b) Explain how the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) provides a
framework and direction to the government agencies for all phases of disaster
management cycle. 20 marks
(c) What merits do you foresee in the proposed merger of the Railway Budget
with the General Budget ? 10 marks
7.(a) The Right to Information Act is a path-breaking legislation
which signals the march from darkness of secrecy to dawn of transparency."
What hurdles do the citizens face in obtaining information from the government?
Explain how the reluctance of the government to part with information under
R.T.I. can be addressed. 20 marks
(b) "The objectives of fiscal devolution to local bodies as mandated by
the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts has been derailed by the actual
working of the State Finance Commissions." Comment 20 marks
(c) “The initiative of the Income Tax Department on disclosure of black money
has had a mixed response.” Give suggestions for tackling this complex problem.
10 marks
8. (a) Do you agree that the Seventh Pay Commission's
recommendations do not reflect and correlate the need for civil service reforms
and accountability with pay increase ? Justify your answer. 20 marks
(b) "In a democratic polity, any conception of ethics and integrity in
public life must encompass not only politicians and civil servants but also
citizens." Discuss. 20 marks
(c) “Police reforms in India have remained a contentious issue."
Critically analyse. 10 marks
UPSC Mains 2015: Public Administration Optional
:: Paper 1 ::
Q1.Answer the following questions in
about 150 words each: 10×5=50
Waldo’s The
Administrative State’ provides a fundamental challenge to some of the orthodox
premises. Explain.
Discuss how the
Public Choice Theory promotes the concept of ‘Steering’ and undermines the
concept of ‘Rowing’ in visualising efficient and effective administration.
Legislation is a necessary evil.” Comment.
Do you agree with
the view that the charismatic approach of the mid-1970s is a “new version” of
the Classical Trait Theory of Leadership? Give reasons.
“The term policy
implementation is in some respects preferable to the label public
administration.” Argue.
“Globalisation has
transformed the nature and character of State from traditional administrative
Welfare State to a Corporate State.” Analyse the changes in the nature of
public administration in this context.
Organisational theory seems further afield of Chester Barnard’s Functions of
the Executive than of organisational ecology.” Examine the statement in the
light of ecological elements in Barnard’s thought.
“PPPs serve too
many parties and too many interests … to be focussed.” Identify in the context
of the statement, the parties involved in Public-Private Partnerships and their
conflicting aims.
“Follett’s work was
not directed towards the resolution of the conflict of ideas, but towards the
resolution of structural conflicts between workers and capitalists.” In the
light of the statement critically evaluate Follett’s idea of dynamic
administration. 20
constitutes the life-blood of the functioning of an organisation.” Explain the
utility and significance of communication in decision-making. 15
“Legislative action
is not subject to the rules of natural justice.” Explain the exceptions to the
rule of natural justice.
“Right from the
days of the ‘Peoples’ Charter’ to the new concept of `Precariat Charter’, the
concept of Citizen’s Charter and its scope is constantly evolving.” Comment.
“Weberian model of
bureaucracy lacks emotional validity when applied to modern democratic
administration.” Comment.
How far do you
agree with the view that the growing influence of media comes in the way of
agenda-setting by the Government?
Q5. Answer the following questions in
about 150 words each : 10×5=50
“Comparative Performance
Measurement (CPM) bridges everyday work experience with the broader horizons of
comparativism.” Explain.
Analyse the
relevance of Whitleyism in contemporary employer — employee relationship.
“No significant
change can be made in the budgetary process without affecting the political
process.” (Wildaysky). Analyse.
“In the
appreciative systems of policy makers, goals are subsidiary to norms and
values.” (Vickers). Explain.
Show in what way
the Gender and Development approach differs from the Woman and Development
ethics is a process of independently critiquing decision standards, based on
core social values that can be discovered, within reasonable organisational
boundaries that can be defined, subject to the personal and professional
accountability.” (Denhardt). Explain.
“Lenin’s concept of
Socialist management refers to directing the organisational development of
Socialist society.” Explain.
“Policy analysis is
incomplete without taking into account policy delivery.” Argue.
How does Ferrel
Heady rationalize the three stages of development in comparative
Distinguish between
‘Codes of Conduct’ and ‘Codes of Ethics’. Justify your answer.
creates a direct relationship between the Citizen and the State.” In this
context, explain the changing role of the elected representatives.
“The concept of
political feasibility in policy alternative is a probabilistic concept and is
related to each policy alternative.” In the context of the above statement
analyse Dror’s contribution.
position-classification attempts to establish a triangular relationship between
duties and responsibilities, working conditions and qualification
requirements.” Elucidate.
have accelerated the process of reinventing 0 & M.” In the context of the
above statement, explain the recent developments in managerial techniques.
:: Paper - 2 ::
Q1. Attempt all of the following in
about 150 words each: 10×5=50
“Democracy within
bureaucracy is likely to reduce its effectiveness.” Do you agree with this
view? Argue your case.
Collector’s role in the development process has been overemphasized.” Comment
on the statement.
Why has District
Planning been marginalized in many States and remained prominent in a few
States? Explain.
power of the Executive needs to be suitably restrained.” Examine it critically.
government, maximum governance’ is not just a slogan but a philosophy of
administration with enormous potentialities.” Do you agree? Give reasons for
your answer.
To what extent has
political culture influenced the administrative culture of India? Explain. 20
Briefly discuss the
main recommendations of the Punchhi Commission (2010) on Centre-State relations
for transforming Indian Federal System. 20
As Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar observed, “the text of the Constitution can provide the organs of the
State, but the final outcome of the governance process depends on how it has
operationalized by the political parties and people”. Elucidate the statement.
The objectives,
approaches and organizational arrangements for decision-making of the NITI
Aayog aim at restoring the federal character of the Indian polity. Explain.
Explain fully how a
balance can be struck between autonomy and accountability of India’s public
governance must serve as an instrument of realizing social change and social
justice.” Comment on the statement.
Discuss the
arguments for and against the National Judicial Appointments Commission Act,
“In very recent
time, the role of the State Governor is found to be more of diplomatic than
administrative nature.” Comment on the statement with suitable examples.
Comment on the
recent changes in the approach and methodology of devolution of
responsibilities and transfer of funds from the Union to the States.
Q5. Attempt all of the following in
about 150 words each: 10X5=50
Critically examine
the concept of community policing as a tool for improving public-police relations.
Explain how budget
can be used as a political instrument.
“Most Civil
Servants in India are competent administrators, but they pay little attention
to encourage people’s participation in decision-making.” Comment on the
Do you think that
the functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), in practice, reflects
genuine devolution of powers and resources? Give reasons for your answer.
Communication Technology (ICT) improves the quality of public service delivery,
but fails to check bribery.” Comment.
“Excellent ideas
but poor implementation have characterised the administrative reforms in India
since Independence.” Critically examine the statement giving examples from the
Union and State Governments.
Do you agree that there
has been a serious governance-deficit in development administration in India?
Give reasons for your answer and add your suggestions.
What are the major
concerns of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission on Civil Service
reforms? Indicate the current status of their implementation.
How do the Union
Government policies on Smart and AMRUT Cities address the problems of
management of urban development? Explain.
Discuss the
significance and role of the Central Paramilitary Forces in maintaining law and
order and countering insurgency as well as terrorism.
Discuss the major
highlights of the reforms introduced from time-to-time in Central Civil
Services Conduct Rules and add your own comments.
governance in India is not sufficiently prepared to meet the challenges of
frequent natural disasters.” Elucidate the statement and add your own
Discuss critically
the salient features of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) regarding its
purposes and jurisdiction.
c. Argue the case for and against creating Indian Public Enterprises and Industrial Service for boosting the moribund public sector in India.
UPSC Mains 2014 Exam Papers: Public Administration
Paper -1
:: Section – A ::
1. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each: 10 × 5 = 50
(a) What are the
implications of the post-structuralism perspective on the discrete aspects of
Public Administrations, coming from its epistemological positions?
(b) “Adaptive, problem-solving, temporary systems of diverse specialists,
linked together by coordinating executives in an organic flux – this is the
original form that will gradually replace bureaucracy.” Discuss, in the light
of this statement, the ‘end of bureaucracy’ thesis and its strengths and
(c) “Karl Marx’s interpretation of bureaucracy was rooted in the history of the
nature of the State.” Evaluate.
(d) “The conceptual division between administrative and constitutional law is
quite porous, and that along many dimensions, administrative law can be considered
more constitutional in character than the constitutions.” How would you justify
the statement?
(e) Is Peter Drucker justified in saying, “Management principles should not
tell us what to do, but only tell us what not to do”? Comment
Q. 2.
(a) “Governance
theory and the notion of governmentality have many points of convergence, but
they run on parallel lines.” Comment 20
(b) “Taylor’s ideas need modification in the context of post-industrial
economies in contemporary era.” Justify with reasons. 15
(c) How does the Strategic Contingencies Theory of organizational design deal
with problem arising from sub-unit centrality and non-substitutability? 15
Q. 3.
(a) According to
McGregor, “True professional help is not in playing God with the client, but in
placing professional knowledge and skill at the client’s disposal”. In the
light of the above, justify how theory Y is indicative and not prescriptive. 20
(b) “The notion of informal organization is a residual of cafeteria concept of
diverse and sprawling contents.” How does Gouldner establish the need for
understanding the interdigitations between the ‘formal’ and ‘informal’
organization? 15
(c) “The Right of Informal of not all about citizens’ empowerment, it
essentially redefines the concept of accountability.” Discuss. 15
Q. 4.
(a) “New Public
Management and post-New Public Management reforms initiatives have affected the
balance between managerial, political, administrative, legal, professional and social
accountability.” Analyze 20
(b) “Delegation to independent agencies has taken place in an interdependent
process driven by emulation.” Discuss in the context of independent regulatory
agencies in the modern regulatory State. 15
(c) “Voluntary organizations have become tools of sensitization of governmental
agencies.” Comment 15
:: Section - B ::
5. Answer the
following question in about 150 words each: 10 × 5 = 50
(a) Critically
examine the Riggsian concept of differentiation in the context of
post-globalization era.
(b) “The term Development Administration can be used only in a broad sense to
mark the variety of approaches and points of view.” Discuss.
(c) “The bottom line for governance is outcomes rather than the outputs of
government.” Analyze in the context of e-government and e-governance.
(d) “Policies determine politics as governments constrain.” Attempt a critique
of this statement.
(e) “Instead of reforms to budgetary process, Wildavsky process to redefine the
role of political institutional and rules by which politics leads to agreement
on budget.” Explain.
(a) “The fact that
we call something performance auditing means that we imply salient features
which can distinguish it from other forms of inquiry.” Discuss with reference
to the main measures or indicators of performance measurement. 20
(b) “The Output Studies Approach to public policy analysis overstresses the
rational techniques and allocative dimension of public policy.” Analyze the
statement. 15
(c) “The field of MIS is not necessarily and extension of computer science, but
of management of organization theory.” Elucidate. 15
(a) “The technical
and multidisciplinary nature of e-government has created an interdependent
relationship within government between policymakers, programme administrators
and technical specialists.” Analyze in the context of generalist-specialist
relationship. 20
(b) “Self-Help Groups have not only empowered women, but have also brought
about attitudinal change among all stakeholders towards women development.”
Discuss. 15
(c) “Many Asian and African countries have inherited the colonial idea of civil
services as a privileged elite. Hence, the social status of the civil services
is an important aspect of the bureaucracy’s unsuitability for change.” Comment
Q. 8.
(a) Identify the
main elements of Program Budgeting, Output Budgeting and ‘New’ Performance
Budgeting. What do they have in common with PPBS? 20
(b) According to Y. Door, “The Science of Muddling through is essentially a
reinforcement of pro-inertia and anti-innovation ideas in policy-making”. Comment
(c) “British philosophy of administration is based on a unification of science
of administration with ethics.” Analyze. 15
UPSC Mains 2014 Exam
Papers : Public Administration
Paper -2
:: Section – A ::
Q.1. Attempt the
following in about 150 words each: 10 × 5 = 50
(a) “Ethics in public services has
been the central concern of Kautilya’s Arthashastra.” Critically examine the
statement. 10
(b) Discuss the value of premises of Constitutionalism in India which he
bureaucracy cannot violate. 10
(c) The functional role of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) depends on the
Prime Minister’s policy orientation, personality and style of administration.
Comment on the statement with suitable examples. 10
(d) Despite the adoption of decentralized planning, participatory initiatives
remain marginalized and divisive in many regions. Discuss 10
(e) “The Centre – State relations have acquired new dimensions in recent times
due to several political parties being in power at the Centre and the States.”
(Second Administrative Reforms Commission)] Do you agree? Give reasons to
support your arguments. 10
(a) “Public Sector
Undertakings must learn to survive and he entrepreneurial without assured
government budgetary support.” In the light of this statement give your suggestions
for strengthening their autonomy and reviving the health of sick Public Sector
Undertakings. 20
(b) “Indian administration is said to be characterized by its three features
viz. Weberian structures, Kautilyan practice and Gandhian rhetoric.” Examine
the statement. 20
(c) “District Collector is a legacy of the British Raj and has largely remained
insulated from the demands of contemporary professionalism.” Discuss. 10
Q. 3.
(a) “Gender
Response Budgeting has infused greater accountability of planning departments
towards women empowerment programmes.” Examine the statement. 20
(b) “The gubernatorial position of the Governor is comfortably placed in the
fuzzy area between ‘Withdrawal of pleasure of the President’ and ‘Compelling
reasons for removal’. “Discuss with some recent examples. 20
(c) “Beneath the soft outer shell of democratic administrative framework lines
unscathed the steel frame of Indian administration which has survived through
the ages.” In the light of this statement, examine the relationship between
bureaucracy and development in the last one decade. 10
Q. 4.
(a) “Management of
intra-governmental relations is as important as that of inter-governmental
relations.” Examine the impact upon the performance of the government. 20
(b) How far do you agree with the view that the National Development Council
(NDC) could resonate the demands of State governments as long as the Planning
Commission is kept subservient to it? Critically examine. 20
(c) Critically examine the statement: ‘Thana’ (Police Station) as the last
bastion of the waning British administrative legacy of India. 10
:: Section – B ::
Q.5. Attempt the
following in about 150 words each: 10 × 5 = 50
(a) Discuss the
changes in powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG)
following a recent Supreme Court judgement in a case concerning a private
service provider. 10
(b) Parliamentary Committees bring about accountability in public expenditure.
Discuss. 10
(c) Do you think that the role of Panchayati Raj should go beyond development
administration? Give reasons for your answer. 10
(d) “Police-Public relations are a story of insincere efforts make on both
sides.” Elaborate. 10
(e) “From coalition government to one-party dominance is a big change that is
bound to affect the government system.” Explain why and how. 10
(a) Assess the role
of honest and upright civil servants in regulatory and development
administration in India. Give examples to substantiate your arguments. 20
(b) “Social auditing of flagship programmes of Central government facilitates
the performance of the Comptroller and Auditor-General.” Elaborate the
statement with appropriate examples. 20
(c) Explain the notion of one hundred ‘smart cities’ and its likely impact on
India’s urbanization. 10
(a) Elaborate the
features of the grievances redressal mechanism of the civil services in India.
Does this mechanism satisfy the objective of its creation? 10
(b) The 13th Finance Commission highlighted an indispensable need to improve
the finance of rural and urban level bodies. Does this make local bodies more
accountable in the discharge of their functions? 20
(c) “Unimplemented reforms in administrations weaken the administrative reforms
process most.” Do you agree? Give your answer citing specific cases as
illustrations. 20
(a) Discuss the
need for civil services neutrality in development administration. Suggest some
measure for achieving and strengthening it in practice. 20
(b) Supreme Court ruling on 31st October, 2013 in respect of bureaucracy’s functioning
would help achieve good governance. Analyse this ruling and add your comments
on it. 20
(c) Do you think that the Central para-military police forces have proven more
effective than the State police service? Give your answer objectively in a
critical vein. 10
"Public Administration is a dynamic and integral part of the UPSC Mains syllabus, offering a comprehensive understanding of governance and policy-making. Mastering this subject requires analytical skills and a clear grasp of administrative processes. A great choice for aspirants looking to delve into the heart of public service!"
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