Monday, November 2, 2020





Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) How docs Aristotle arguc for the priority of Form over Matter and Actuality over  Potentiality? Critically discuss.  

(b) How does Leibniz's conception of monads bear upon his views on determinism and  freedom? Discuss with your own commenits  

(c) What, according to Husserl, is wrong with psychologism? How does Husserl address  the problems with psychologism in his phenomenological method?  

(d) Examine the reality of the phenomenal world in the light of Hegel's Absolute ldealism.  

(e) "The Soul of Superman is Good."

Critically examine the above statement in the light of logical positivism.  

Q2.(a) "I never can catch myself at any time without percepuon, and never can observe  anything but the perception." How does this statcment by Hume problematize the  philosophical notion of personal identity? How does Kant deal with this problem in his  Critique of Pure Reason? 

(b) Critically discuss the following statement by Moore:  

"If anyone tells us that to say 'Blue exists' is the same thing as to say that 'Both blue and consciousncss exists makes a mistake and a self contradictory mistake. "  

(c) "The reason that I call my doctrine logical atomism is bccause the atoms that I wish to arive at as the sort of last residue in analysis are logical atoms and not physical atorms" Write a note on the nature of atomic facts according to Russcll in the light of the above statement.  

Q3.(a) What docs Kicrkegaard mean by saying "Subjectivity is the truth" in the context of the problem of 'the single individual'?

(b) Evatuate the role of spatio-temporal thinking in objective thinking with reference to Strawson's thcory of basic particulars.  

(c) When does Pure Reason cnter mo n rean or Antinomies according to Kant? Is Kant's notion of Antinomics ol Pure reason a natural culmination of his distinction between Phenomena and Noumena: ove ieasons in favour of your answer.  

Q4.(a) "You can always make something out of what you have been made into." Critically discuss this statement by Sartre with reference to his views on existentialism. 

(b) From the necessity of the divine nature there must follow infinitely many ways."Explain this staement by Spinoza along with some possible criticisms.

(c) But coukd we also imagine a language in which a person could write down or give vocal expression to his inner experiences his feelings, moods and the rest-for his private use"? Critically discuss the dwer answer offered offcred by Witlgenstein to this question.


Q5. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each:

(a) Examine the concepl of Karma according to Jainism. How does it bear upon their conception of Liberation?  

(b) Explain the diference between Samprajnata Samàdhi and Asamprajnata Samadhi  

(c) Why is memory not a valid knowledge according to Mihatmasa?  

(d) Point out the significance of the ive-fold diffcrences in the Dualistic School of  Vedänta.  

(e) Discuss the nature and types of matier according to Nimbarka.  

Q6.(a) How is Kanikavada a logical derivative of Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism? Explain.  

(b) Critically evaluate Carvakas' rejection of Ákasa as one of the elements of reality and  examine their criticism of transmigration of Soul.  

(c) Explain the concepts of 'Anyathasiddha and 'Ananyathâsiddha' in the context of Asatkaryavada.  

Q7.(a) A mango tree is grown out of a mango seed," How will Samkhya system explain this process through their theory of causation by rejecting their rival perspectives?  

(b) How does Buddhism explain Self in terms of Pancaskandhas? What is Liberation for Buddhism if there is no Soul?  

(c)  Explain the differences of conception of Reality between Cárvaka and Jainism.  

Q8.(a) What does Aurobindo mean by lite divine as a possibility and inevitability?

(b) Critically evaluate the logical and metaphysical satus of Visesa in the context of Vaisesika Philosophy.

(c) Discuss the nature and relationship of Jiva and Jiva-sakshi to non-dualism.



Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) Is the concept of liberty' realizable in the modern technological society? Explain.

(b) How far do the liberal democracies safeguard the interests of minorities? Evaluate critically.

(c) Do you think that secularism requires complete separation of religion and 'state'? Discuss. 

(d) Explain the importance of Bodin's theory of sovereignty.

(e) Do you think that the prevailing pandemic will lead to anarchism in society? Discuss.

Q2.(a) State and examine the Gandhian concept of social development.

(b) How far is Marxism as a philosophical doctrine relevant in the present context? Justify your answer. 

(c) Is Indian tradition antagonistic to Individual Rights? Consider it by taking recourse to the doctrin of Human Rights.

Q3.(a) State and examine B.R. Ambedkar's contribution towards social changes in Independent India.

(b) What do you understand by multiculturalism? Explain the structural Characteristics that make a nation multicultural.

(c) Do you think that retributive theory of punishment is against human rights? Discuss.

Q4.(a) Do you agree that empowering women can eliminate gender discrimination ? Discuss.

(b) State and explain the relevance of the doctrine of sovereignty in times of globalization.

(c) How far do the social  and political regimes condition corrupt practices in a nation-state? Discuss.


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) Discuss the significance of 'Religion' vis-à-vis the present scientific and technological development.

(b) The concept of 'Immortality' is a basic presupposition of religion. Elaborate your answer.

(c) Is it acceptable that the History of Religions is the History of Conflicts ? Discuss.

(d) Is there any compatibility between 'Freedom of Will' and 'Omnipotent God' ? Discuss.

(e) What is the importance of religious tolerance in a multicultural pluralistic society? Justify your answer.

Q6.(a) It is ontological proof for the existence of God by St. Anselm logical? Discuss.

(b) What is the logical problem of evil? Discuss.

(c) Critically examine the concept of God as prerequisite for a religion.

Q7.(a) Discuss the nature of God in Hinduism with special reference to Vishishtadvaita (Qualified non-dualism).

(b) Distinguish between prayer and worship and determine their place in religion.

(c) What are the basic tenets of faith? Distinguish between faith and belief. 15

Q8.(a) Does religious language carry cognitive content? Elucidate in detail.

(b) Are religious beliefs and practices incompatible with moral behaviour ? Discuss.

(c) Do you accept that knowledge, Action and Devotion are the means to attain liberation in Indian tradition ? Discuss




Q1 Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 Marks

(a) What does Plato want to prove by his ‘Allegory of Cave ’ ?10 Marks
(b) Can hallucination be regarded as an intentional act of Husserl ? Explain. 10 Marks
(c) What is the role of dialectics in realizing the truth in Hegel’s philosophy? 10 Marks
(d) How does Descartes prove the existence of things other than himself and God? Discuss. 10 Marks
(e) Explain Quine’s arguments against synthetic-analytic distinction. 10 Marks

Q2 (a) How do the logical positivists account for the meaning of general statements? Can the same account be applied to metaphysical statements? Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) What are the reasons for development changes in substance according to Aristotle? Discuss. 15 Marks
(c) What do you understand by Spinoza’s statement that what is, cannot be other than what it is? Explain. 15 Marks

Q3 (a) Is Dasein authentic existence for Heidegger? How does he relate temporality with Dasein? Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) Show how Wittgenstein’s critique of solipsism culminates in the critique of private language. 15 Marks
(c) Why is Moore’s philosophy called common-sense realism? 15 Marks

Q4 (a) How does Kant argue for the transcendence of Space and Time? Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) Is there any element of necessity in causal relations according to Hume? Discuss. 15 Marks
(c) How does Sartre look at the problem of freedom of choice and determinism? Explain. 15 Marks


Q5 Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 Marks

(a) Justify the status of Abhava as a category in Vaisesika philosophy. 10 Marks
(b) How do the Yogacara Buddhists deny the existence of the external world? Discuss. 10 Marks
(c) Are the Carvakas consistent when they hold that inference is not a source of knowledge? Discuss. 10 Marks
(d) Critically discuss the metaphysical status of a Jiva and a Purusa according to Sankhya philosophy. 10 Marks
(e) How does Mimamsa establish the authority of  Vedic knowledge? 10 Marks

Q6(a) How is reality defined by the Jainas? How is this theory of reality reflected in their view on judgements? Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) What is the role of Jnanalaksana-pratyaka is explaining Anyathakhyati? 15 Marks
(c) What is wrong according to the Carvakas with the following argument ? 15 Marks
        All men are mortal.
        Socrates is a man.
        Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
        Justify your answer with arguments.

Q7 (a) How does Udayana prove the existence of God through Karyat, Ayojanat, Dhrtyadeh and Sruteh? Discuss. 20 Marks
(b) How would Yoga philosophy comprehend the Citta-levels of a Scientist, a God-realized Devotee and a Self-realized Yogi? Justify your answer. 15 Marks
(c) What is Pratityasamutpada? How do the Buddhists apply this concept to prove that everything is momentary? 15 Marks

Q8 (a) Explain the logical consequences of the metaphysical absolutism of Advaitism. 20 Marks
(b) Explain the unique position of the supermind in the metaphysical scheme of Aurobindo’s philosophy. 15 Marks
(c) Which Sankhya proof for the existence of Prakrti actually shows that there can be only one Prakrti? Justify your answer. 15 Marks



Section 'A'

Q1 Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 Marks

(a) How far do you think Jhon Rawls is continuing with Plato’s concept of justice ? 10 Marks
(b) Discuss the status of theocracy in the modern secular state . 10 Marks
(c) Evaluate Mahatma Gandhi as a political anarchist. 10 Marks
(d) Is corruption not a form of mass violence ? Discuss. 10 Marks
(e) Can gender equality be realised within a socialist regime ? Analyse. 10 Marks

Q2 (a) Do rights make citizens accountable to the state? Argue in the context of the present Indian scenario. 20 Marks
(b) What are the descriptive and normative perspectives on ideas of multiculturalism ? 15 Marks
(c) Does technological development lead to progress in the ethical standards of the society ? Explain. 15 Marks

Q3 (a) Discuss how far does Austin’s concept of sovereignty go along with Kautilya’s concept of sovereignty. 20 Marks
(b) Consider critically, that gender discrimination is a rather man-made concept but not naturally endowed. 15 Marks
(c) What do you consider to be the future of Marxism in the context of the prevalent free market economy ? 15 Marks

Q4 (a) Examine whether there is any difference between the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on the philosophical foundations of secular democracy. 20 Marks
(b) Does liberty put limitations to equality ? Discuss. 15 Marks
(c) Does capital punishment weaken the doctrine of social justice ? Discuss. 15 Marks


Section 'B'

Q5 Answer the following question in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 Marks

(a) What is instrumental to self-revelation : Faith or Reason ? Justify your position. 10 Marks
(b) Is religion a uniting force for humanity in the globalizing world as of today ? Discuss. 10 Marks
(c) Can there be a philosophical argument to support violence in the name of religion ? Discuss. 10 Marks
(d) Does a devoted commitment to a religious way of life make man go astray from social morality ? Examine. 10 Marks
(e) State and evaluate the profs for the existence of God as propounded in Jainism. 10 Marks

Q6 (a) Discuss whether and how does religious symbolism lead to mysticism. 20 Marks
(b) What role do the concepts of evil and profane play to provide a firm foundation to religion ? 15 Marks
(c) How would a religious person deny the possibility of a religion without God ? Discuss. 15 Marks

Q7 (a) expound and explain the central problem in the discussion between religious pluralists and religious exclusivists. 20 Marks
(b) Secular ethics cannot fully resolve as to why one should be moral all the time. Examine. 15 Marks
(c) How far can religious experience be made a topic of public discourse Analyse. 15 Marks

Q8 (a) State and explain the doctrines of Karma, Rebirth and Rebirth and Reincarnation in Hinduism. 20 Marks
(b) State and evaluate the personalistic and impersonalistic aspects of God. 15 Marks
(c) Discuss the relationship between man and God according to any one of the religions in India. 15 Marks




Q1. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Are the two truths-"The Sun will rise tomorrow" and ‘2+2-4' of the same necessity for Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer.
(b Is there any place for freedom in Leibniz's philosophy, when he speaks of "pre-established harmony'? Discuss.
(c) How does the notion of 'family resemblance help Wittgenstein to uphold that 'Language is a game'? Discuss.
(d) How does Sartre connect inauthenticity with bad faith? Why does Sartre show that inauthenticity and bad faith lead to alienation? Discuss.
(e) How does Strawson explain the concept of person in his philosophy? Discuss.

Q2. (a) What is the reason for the difference in the definitions and classifications of substances made by Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz in spite of the fact that they all belonged to the rationalist school of thought? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Explain the significance of the Kantian dictum, 'Understanding makes Nature'. How far do you agree that Hegel's Absolutism is the culmination of the Kantian Dualism? Discuss. Give reasons in favour of your answer. 15 marks
(c) How does Quine show that the notion of a prior knowledge as discussed by Kant is a metaphysical article of faith'? Give reasons for your answer. 15 marks

Q3.(a) How does Berkeley establish that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How do Moore and Russell react to Berkeley's view in this regard? Do you find any difference between Moore's reaction and Russell's one? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) How do the logical positivists show that metaphysical sentences are meaningless? Can their verification theory of meaning account for the meaningfulness of all scientific sentences? Discuss.15 marks
(c) How does Wittgenstein apply the distinction between 'saying' and 'showing' to point to a single way of apprchending the most decisive problems of philosophy? Is he justified? Give reasons for your answer. 15 marks

Q4.(a) What is Epoché? How does Heidegger reject this method of phenomenological reduction? Explain Heidegger's concept of 'being in the world' as opposed to the concept of a transcendental ego.20 marks
(b) Is the relation between the Idea and the World as discussed by Plato logically consistent? Discuss Aristotle's views regarding this and also give arguments in favour of your answer. 15 marks
(c) How is Russell's theory of definite description related to his Logical Atomisin? Discuss and give reasons for your answer. 15 marks



Q5. Explain the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

Q5. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each: 10x5-50 marks
(a) How do the Vaišeșika philosophers explain the difference of the relationships in the Iwo cases-(i) the brown colour of the table and (ii) the book on the table? Discuss.
(b) How do the Madhyamika Buddhists apply the notion of Pratityasamutpada to establish their doctrine of Sunyata ? Discuss.
(c) What is the difference between the indescribability (Anirvacaniyatā) of Brahman and the indescribability (Anirvacaniyata) of Māya in the Advaita Vedānta system? Discuss
(d) How do the Buddhists and the Nyāya philosophers explain our knowledge of 'the absence of the jar on the table'? Answer in detail.
(e) Is Purusa one or many? Explain the Sámkhya position in this regard and give arguments in support of your answer.

Q6.(a) How do thc Naiyāyikas prove the existence of God? Do the Yoga philosophers prove God in the same way? If yes, how? And if no, why? Give reasons for your answer. 20 marks
(b) Is it consistent for the Buddhists to admit the theory of Nairātmyavāda and the doctrine of Nirvana simultaneously? Give reasons in favour of your answer. 15 marks
(c) How do the Jaina philosophers explain 'bondage'? What, according to them, is the distinction between "liberated soul' and 'bound soul'? What do the Jainas think about the condition of the 'liberated soul'? Discuss. 15 marks

Q7.(a) Give a comparative cxposition of the concept of Moksa as found in the systems of Višistādvaita, Dvaita, Suddhadvaita and Acintyabhedābheda. 20 marks
(b) How do the Advaita Vedāntins react to the Prakrtiparināmavāda of the Samkhya philosophy? How do the Särhkhyas defend their own position in this regard? Discuss.15 marks
(c) How does Rāmānuja refute the doctrine of Maya as propounded by Sankara? Whyis Māyā needed by both Råmånuja and Sankara lo establish their doctrincs? Discuss. 15 marks

Q8.(a) Does the admission of Svayamprakaśavada necessarily lead to the admission of Svatahprāmānyavāda? Discuss after the Naiyayikas, the Mimāmsakas and the Advaita Vedantins. 20 marks
(b) Is Cārvāka rejection of inference acceptable to the other systems of Indian philosophy? If not, why? Do you think the views of other systems to be justified? Give reasons for your answer. 15 marks
(c) What is Evolution according to Sri Aurobindo? Describe the process of triple transformation and the nature of gnostic being in his philosophy. 15 marks




Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) What is meant by liberal democracy ? Does it require deeper principles for social cohesion to balance its own strong affirmation of individual rights ? Give reasons from the Indian context. 10 marks
(b) Do you subscribe to the view that Indian cultural identity needs to integrate the principles of multi-culturalism and respect for the dignity of each person ? Justify your answer. 10 marks
(c) It is said that the traditional hold of caste-based groups on Indian social behaviour has survived all attempts to build alternate identities. Discuss in the light of M.K. Gandhi. 10 marks
(d) Discuss Kautilya's concept of sovereignty in the light of Danda-neeti'. 10 marks
(e) What measures do you suggest to eradicate corruption in Indian democracy? 10 marks

Q2. (a) How far can liberty and equality be considered as distinctive features of democracy? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Critically evaluate Laski's view on sovereignty as a satisfactory position in political theory.15 marks
(c) Do you subscribe to the political ideology of Anarchists? Justify your answer. 15 marks

Q3.(a) What do you understand by multi-culturalism ? How are globalization and multi-culturalism related ? How does their relationship affect cultural changes ? 20 marks
Are Marxian Socialism and individual freedom consistent ? Discuss critically. 15 marks
(c) What form of humanism do you approve as relevant in the present day context ? Discuss in detail. 15 marks

Q4.(a) “"Human rights and human dignity would no longer be the product of a particular culture, rather a common human aspiration for an ideal world." Discuss. 20 marks
(b) How do you evaluate gender discrimination in the context of female foeticide? 15 marks
(c) Is feminism an ideology for empowerment or for equality ? Discuss. 15 marks


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) In what sense is the secular use of language different from the religious use of language ? Discuss. 10 marks
(b) How far is it plausible to argue that the anti-theistic religions' stand on the concept of rebirth is philosophically significant ? 10 marks
(c) Can you justify religion without God ? Support your answer. 10 marks
(d) Can one claim that there is an inter-relatedness between 'religiosity and 'immorality'? Discuss. 10 marks
(e) Is Hinduism poly-theistic ? Give reasons for your answer.10 marks

Q6.(a) Distinguish between Exclusivism, Inclusivism and Pluralism with regard to the conflicting truth-claims of different religions. 20 marks
(b) "Truth is one, yet people perceive differently." Critically evaluate by considering the present Indian context. 15 marks
(c) Does the concept of God entail the existence of God ? Examine from the perspective of ontological argument. 15

Q7.(a) The terms "Sacred' and 'Holy' have come to serve as generic names for the object of religion. Do you agree that one can have God as the object of religion ? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Critically examine Braithwaite's non-cognitive theory of religious language. 15 marks
(c) Evaluate the concept of Bhakti (Devotion) as a pathway to attain liberation. 15 marks

8.(a) Compare St. Thomas Aquinas' five ways of knowing God with the arguments of the Nyāya School of Indian Philosophy for the existence of God. 20 marks
(b) Critically evaluate the Buddhistic arguments against the existence of God as the creator of the world. 15 marks
(c) Explain the significance of religious symbols as transcendent referent that mediates into the cultural, spatial and temporal world.15 marks




Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

Q1.(a) Elaborate Hegel's dictum : "All identity is identity and difference.” 10 marks
(b) Explain Husserl's reasons for advocating phenomenological reductionism. 10 marks
(c) ‘How is the statement, 'I met a man', semantically problematic for Russell ? How does he account for the meaningfulness of this statement ? 10 marks
(d) In what sense can ideas be both immanent and transcendent ? Discuss in this context Plato's theory of universals and particulars.10 marks
(e) Show how Hume's analysis of experience leaves no ground for belief in any permanent reality either physical or mental. 10 marks

Q2.(a) How is ‘all bodies are extended' an analytic judgement but ‘all bodies are heavy a synthetic judgement ? Is 'every event has a cause an analytic or a synthetic judgement ? Explain. 20 marks
(b) What is Wittgenstein's picture theory of meaning ? What are his reasons for giving up this theory and suggesting the use theory of meaning ? 15 marks
(c) Explain Aristotle's theory of form and matter. How does it help him resolve the problem of change and permanence ? 15 marks

Q3.(a) Elaborate Kant's theory of space and time. How does this theory enable him to explain how mathematical propositions can be both synthetic and a priori ? 20 marks
(b) What, according to Descartes, is a 'clear and distinct idea'? What is the epistemological status of clear and distinct ideas ? Does this account help Descartes prove that material objects exist ? Explain.15 marks
(c) What are the two dogmas of empiricism that Quine attacks ? What are his arguments against what he calls the second dogma ? 15 marks

Q4.(a) How does Locke draw a distinction between primary and secondary qualities? Does he also draw a distinction between the idea of primary qualities and primary qualities as well as the idea of secondary qualities and secondary qualities ? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) ‘Does the sentence, 'Whatever is coloured is extended', satisfy the criterion of meaningfulness proposed by the logical positivists ? Explain. 15 marks
(c) Discuss Heidegger's concept of authenticity and explain how an inauthentic Dasein regains the lost self? 15 marks


Q5.  Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

(a) “The soul is nothing but conscious body." What are the reasons for Cārvāka in holding this view? 10 marks
(b) What are the necessary characteristics of padārtha according to Vaiseșika philosophy ? 10 marks
(c) Explain the conditions of valid hetu as propounded in Nyāya philosophy.10 marks
(d) What is meant by “yogaşcittavrttinirodhah” ? Explain cittavrtti and its effects according to Yoga philosophy.10 marks
(e) Elucidate the role of catuṣkoți in explaining the nature of reality according to Mādhyamika school of thought. 10 marks

Q6.(a) Explain the early Nyāya definition of perception. Why this definition is considered inadequate by the later Naiyāyikas ? 20 marks
(b) "The Jaina metaphysics is relativistic and realistic pluralism.” Discuss. 15 marks
(c) What are the arguments of the Buddhists to establish Kșaņikavāda ? Do they necessarily lead to krtanāśa and akstābhyupagama ?, 15 marks

Q7.(a) How do Mādhyamikas, Yogācāravādins and Sarvāstivādins differ among themselves concerning the nature of reality? How do Sarvāstivādins differ among themselves with regard to knowledgeability of reality? 20 marks
(b) How does Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga help in the realization of supramental consciousness ? Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Distinguish between vivartavāda and pariņāmavāda with reference to causation and explain how in the light of these theories Sankara and Ramanuja differ on the status of the world. 15 marks

Q8.(a) Explain the theory of Validity of Knowledge (prāmāṇyavāda) according to Mīmāṁsakas. How did they criticize the Nyāya theory of Validity ? 20 marks
(b) Explain Ramanuja's conception of God and examine the difficulties he faced in explaining the relation of God to matter and spirit. 15 marks
(c) Given its theory of causation, is it possible for Samkhya to explain the presence of consciousness in the world ? Discuss. 15 marks




Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: | 10x5=50 marks

(a) Discuss in the context of anarchy whether the freedom of an individual is consistent with the sovereignty of the State.10 marks
(b) Discuss whether a blending of monarchy with democracy is conceivable to avoid their undesirable defects for making the governance better for citizens and State. 10 marks
(c) Is caste discrimination a result of the superiority complex of a privileged class of the society or of religious rituals ? Discuss with reference to the views propounded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.10 marks
(d) Out of rights and duties, which one is prior to the other ? Discuss in the context of accountability.10 marks
(e) Discuss the different aspects of the fundamental distinction between democratic equality and the Marxian notion of equality.10 marks

Q2.(a) Do you agree with the view that secularism as a western ideal is redundant in the Indian context ? Discuss in the context of the multicultural Indian society.20 marks
(b) Critically evaluate whether the ideal of social progress gives a secondary significance to an individual's freedom over his duties.15 marks
(c) Discuss whether Kautilya's concept of sovereignty turns into a despotic rule. How far is it comparable to Bodin's concept ? Discuss. 15 marks

Q3. (a) Does Marxism curb individual freedom in the name of protecting social justice ? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Can you justify capital punishment for crimes like rape, murder and corruption ? Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Is empowerment of women a sufficient means to their equal rights to land, property and divorce ? Discuss in the context of religious sanctions. 15 marks

Q4.(a) Evaluate the concept of social development as rooted in ethical principles against the concept of social progress being based on economic and political ideals. 20 marks
(b) How far do Marx, Gandhi and Amartya Sen agree and disagree on the concept of justice in the Indian democracy ? Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Will a severe punishment for crimes against women change the mind-set of society ? Justify your position. 15 marks


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Does a committed religious person go against social morality ? Discuss from the moral perspective. 10 marks
(b) How do you define a non-theological concept of evil ? Explain. 10 marks
(c) Is God necessary for religion ? Justify your answer. 10 marks
(d) Discuss whether the doctrine of immortality of soul is indispensable for a religion. 10 marks
(e) Critically discuss the relationship of man with God in the Yoga system of philosophy. 10 marks

Q6.(a) Is there an essential difference between the concept of Liberation in theological and non-theological approaches to life ? Discuss.20 marks
(b) Does religion guarantee the absolute truth? Discuss in the context of religious pluralism. 15 marks
(c) Compare and contrast the different forms of cosmological argument for 15 marks

Q7. (a) Is not the language of analogies more confusing and the language of symbols more unintelligible ? Evaluate it in the case of a religious language.20 marks
(b) What will be the authority and acceptance of the absolute ethical values in the non-theological system of social practices ? Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Discuss whether the voluntarist's theories of faith are adequate. 15 marks

Q8.(a) Can a religious person take an elastic view about religious ideals, principles and practices, etc. which are supposed to be eternal ? Will it make the religion progressive or will it demolish its authority ? Discuss critically. 20 marks
(b) What is a non-theological concept of God ? How is it different from a theological concept of God ? Discuss with arguments. 15 marks
(c) In order to make expressions of religious experiences communicable, what kind of language needs to be constructed and used ? Explain. 15 marks


Mains Optional Philosophy (Paper -1 & Paper -2) Exam Paper - 2016

Philosophy  Paper 1

1. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

(a) What is the logical necessity for Lock to introduce the concept of secondary qualities? Give reasons for your answer.
(b) Examine Kant's criticism on Descartes' view of Self.
(c) Why does Wittgenstein reject the possibility of private language?
(d) Explain verification theory. Does it lead to elimination of metaphysics?
(e) Discuss Quine's attack on the analytic-synthetic distinction.

2.(a) Does Aristotle treat matter as a 'Substance'? Give reasons for your answer. 20 marks
(b) Critically examine Hume's views on the relation of cause and effect.  15 marks
(c) Discuss Sartre's notion of "Nothingness'. 15 marks

3.(a) Does Plato's Theory of Form' explain the change' and 'sensibility' of matter? Give reasons for your answer. 20 marks
(b) What, according to Kant, are 'pure concepts"? Examine their role in the process of knowing. 15 marks
(c) Explain Russell's view that the physical object is a logical construction from sensedata". Why does he call his metaphysical view "neutral monist'? 15 marks

4.(a) What, according to Husserl, is the task of a philosopher? Do you think his methods are relevant to philosophy? Discuss.  20 marks
(b) What is Hegel's view on God? Do you think that his interpretation of God was contributive to the colonial and imperial expansionist designs? Explain.  15 marks
(c) Discuss the various stances on God taken by Rationalists and Empiricists. 15 marks


5. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

(a) Differentiate the concept of 'Kaivalya' as discussed in Jaina and Yoga philosophies.
(b) How does 'Ksanikavada' strengthen the arguments for 'Nairātmyavāda'? Explain.
(c) Critically examine the role of "Praktti' in the process of evolution.
(d) Examine Jaina stance of 'Naya'. How does it differ from 'Syūdvāda"?
(e) Evaluate Sankara's position on īśvara.

6.(a) Does the 'Doctrine of Dependent Origination' reconcile the two extreme views on the law of causation, namely Satkāryavāda and Asatkāryavāda? Give reasons for your answer. 20 marks
(b) Can the 'Tattvārtha' theory of Jainism be acceptable for scientific explanations? Explain. 15 marks
(c) Is the doctrine of 'Self acceptable in the modern age of science and reason? Examine the view in the light of Indian philosophy. 15 marks

7.(a) Discuss Aurobindo's views on 'Evolution' and 'Involution'. How do they differ from traditional Yoga philosophy? 20 marks
(b) What would be Cārvāka's view on Vyāpti? Can this view be acceptable to the Naiyāyikas? Give reasons for your answer. 15 marks
(c) What is the logical necessity for the Mimamsakas to treat 'Arthāpatti' as an independent Pramāna? Discuss. 15 marks

8.(a) How do the Naiyāyikas justify the introduction of "Abhāva' as an independent category? Explain. 20 marks
(b) What are Klešas? How can these be eliminated? Explain. 15 marks
(c) Give a critical exposition of the concept of 'Brahman' as discussed by Sankara, Rāmānuja and Mādhava. 15 marks


Philosophy Paper 2


1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) In what ways psychological tests are useful in assessing individual differences ? Answer with examples. 10  marks
(b) How can psychological well-being of service professionals be promoted ? Discuss. 10 marks
(c) Is Herzberg's theory relevant for understanding work motivation in Indian organizations? Explain. 10 marks
(d) Examine some important psychological principles underlying effective teaching learning process. 10 marks
(e) Discuss the usefulness of small groups in community interventions for social development. 10 marks

2.(a) Examine the role of situational factors in criminal behaviour. 15 marks
(b) Analyze the factors determining the efficacy of psychological tests. Discuss the limitations in the use of psychological tests. 15 marks
(c) Discuss how the process of group decision making can be used effectively in bringing about social change. 20 marks

3.(a) Evaluate the role of social agencies in rehabilitation of mentally and socially challenged persons. 15 marks
(b) How is competency mapping made use of for human resource development in modern organizations ? Illustrator. 15 marks
(c) Discuss the salient features of psychodynamic therapies and evaluate their role in the prevention of mental illnesses. 20 marks

4.(a) Critically evaluate whether the principles of participatory management are equally effective in bureaucratic organizations as in industrial organizations. 15  marks
(b) How do lifestyle variables influence quality of life of an individual in different life domains ? 15  marks
(c) What psychological factors will explain lack of social integration involving religious groups in India ? Discuss. 20 marks


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :10x5=50 marks

(a) Discuss the efficacy of behaviour therapies in the prevention of mental illnesses. 10  marks
(b) What biological factors explain mental disorders ? Discuss. 10 marks
(c) Illustrate the significance of value education in schools and comment on its relevance for personality development of children. 10  marks
(d) Discuss the role of psychologists in organizing tertiary level rehabilitation programmes.  10 marks
(e) What role can media play in the promotion of small family norm in the Indian culture ? 10 marks

6.(a) Does need for affiliation come in the way of economic development of the tribal people ? Discuss. 15  marks
(b) Evaluate the psychological consequences of social media in interpersonal relationships 15 marks
(c) What role can psychologists play in the development and implementation of the "Skill India' scheme of the Government of India ? 20 marks

7.(a) How can psychological theories be put to use to inoculate people against their impulsive buying behaviour ? 15 marks
(b) Discuss the role of cognitive and behaviour therapies in improving the performance of sports persons. 15 marks
(c) Analyze the impact of crowding on mental health. Discuss the psychological measures that can be adopted to reduce the stress resulting from crowding. 20  marks

8.(a) What factors account for gender differences in India? Suggest some psychological measures to reduce gender differences. 15 marks
(b) How can human engineering be put to use in devising instruments that are used by the defence personnel posted in the border areas ? Discuss.  15 marks
(c) Discuss the process of prejudice formation. State the psychological strategies that can be adopted for conflict resolution. 20 marks


UPSC Mains 2015: Philosophy (Paper -1 & Paper-2) Optional Question Paper

Philosophy (Paper -1)


1. Write a short answers to the following in about 150 words each:- 10x5=50 marks

(a) Aristotle's distinction between 'actually and potentiality'.  10 marks
(b) Esse est percipi 10 marks
(c) Husserl's notion of 'bracketing:  10 marks
(d) Strawson's distinction between 'M' and 'P' predicates. 10 marks
(e) GE. Moore's refutation of idealism. 10 marks

2.(a) Explain Kant's division of categories.  20 marks
(b) Discuss why Heidegger introduces the concept of Dasein in his metaphysics. 15 marks
(c) Elucidate Quine's arguments to show that analyticity is not synonymity. 15 marks

3.(a) Bring out the relationship between language games and forms of life. 20 marks
(b) Explain Leibniz's principle of 'identity of indiscernibles’ 15 marks
(c) What do we understand by incomplete symbols ? What role do they play in Russell's theory of meaning ? Discuss. 15 marks

4.(a) Explain Plato's theory of forms. Does it entail a kind of essentialism? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Does Descartes Cogito principle entail that he is an essentialist ? Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Bring out the relationship between existence and essence in the case of human being. Explain the issues it gives rise to for human beings according to Sartre. 15 marks


5. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words cach : 10x5=50 marks

(a) Pancavidhabheda  10 marks
(b) Jain concept of Dravya  10 marks
(c) Alayavijnana 10 marks
(d) Satkaryavada  10 marks
(e) Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga.  10 marks

6.(a) Elaborate Nyaya-Mimamsa debate on Pramanyavāda. 20 marks
(b) 'Our knowledge is confined to gunas alone'. Examine this statement in the light of Vaisesika and Buddhist controversy. 15 marks
(c) Is anyathākhyārivāda an adequate explanation of error ? Elaborate. 15 marks

7.(a) Compare and contrast the notion of Brahman in Sankara and Ramanuja. 20 marks
(b) State and examine the Samkhya proofs for the existence of Purulia. 15 marks
(c) Explain the arguments of Carvaka to reject transcendental entities.  15 marks

8.(a) What is bondage according to yoga philosophy ? Explain the method of attaining Kaivalya in Patanjali's yoga sutra. 20 marks
(b) What do Samvara and Nirjara mean? Explain their significance in Jaina theory of liberation. 15 marks
(c) What is the role of Pratilyasamutpāda in explaining Dukha? Elucidate the incas to overcome it. 15 marks

Philosophy (Paper -2)


1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :. 10x5=50  marks

(a) Equality does not mean treating everyone equal." Discuss.  10 marks
(b) Is civil disobedience in a democratic State justifiable? Discuss.  10 marks
(c) Explain Harold Laski's critique of sovereignty.  10 marks
(d) How are individual and group rights reconciled in democracy? Explain 10 marks
(e) "Inequitable development leads to social conflicts rather than social progress." . : Explain. 10 marks

2.(a) What does gender discrimination mean? Is it not a violation of equality and social justice? Discuss. 15 marks
(b) Does economic empowerment of women eliminate gender discrimination? Discuss: 15. marks
(c) Evaluate Ambedkar's critique of caste system.  20 marks

3.(a) Is multiculturalism a need of global society? Discuss. 15 marks
(b) "The aim of punishment is to defend the moral law and to do justice to criminal." Discuss 15 marks
(c) Evaluate the nature and functions of parliamentary democracy.

4.(a) "Man must grow materially as well as spiritually." Evaluate this statement of Ambedkar.  15 marks
(b)  "Equality will be of no value without fraternity and liberty." Discuss. 15 marks
(c) How is religious nationalism a threat to secular State? Explain. 15 marks


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Write a critical note on the attributes of God.
(b) Is existence of God A.necessary condition for the survival of religion? Explain:
(c) Is morality necessarily based on religion? Discuss.
(d) Is God the cause of natural evil? Explain.
(e) Do faith and reason go together? Discuss,

6.(a) How can the religious language be verified? Is it correct to say that religious , language is verified because it cannot be falsified? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Explain the nature of mysticism in Hinduism and Islam. 15 marks
(c) Can revelation be justified by reason? Discuss. 15 marks

7.(a) Do you think that evil is a bitter pill which no theist can easily swallow? Discuss. 15 marks
(b) "Immortality means absence of Karma and Rebirth.” Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Examine the Nyaya arguments in favour of the existence of God. 20 marks

8.(a) An atheist may be a better man than a religious person bereft of moral values." Discuss. 15 marks
(b) Examine the ontological and cosmological arguments in favour of the existence of God. 15 marks
(c) What is liberation? Briefly discuss the ways to attain it as outlined in the systems of Vedanta. 20 marks

1 comment:

  1. "An insightful overview of the UPSC Main Exam Philosophy! The emphasis on critical thinking and application of concepts is essential for success. Great tips for aspirants navigating this challenging journey!"
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