Monday, November 9, 2020

UPSC Mains Exam - Agriculture



                                    Marks: 250                                                             Time Allowed: Three Hours


Q1.Describe the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

1. (a) Biofortification
1.(b) Effect of agricultural inputs on soil pollution.
1. (c) What are the effects of ozone layer depletion ?
1. (d) Agroforestry systems in Indo-Gangetic plains.
1. (e) Current status of biological weed management.

2. (a)  Differentiate the following with example : 5x4=20

·         Catch crop and trap crop

·         Narrow spectrum and broad spectrum herbicides. 

·         Fodder and forage crops. 

·         Social forestry and agroforestry.

2. (b) Define organic farming. Give an account of social, economic and environmental dimensions of organic farming. 
2. (c) Choice of crops and cropping systems is governed by length of growing season : critically comment.

3. (a) How to increase the yield of wheat under late sown conditions ?
3. (b) What do you mean by precision farming? Give an account of smart agricultural technologies used in precision farming. 
3. (c) Calculate weed index in wheat crop with the given information and draw the inference.

4. (a) Explain the utility of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) in agriculture.
4. (b) Describe Ratoon sugarcane management practices for enhancing cane yield and quality.
4. (c) Explain the effects of climate change on crop production.


Q5. Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

5. (a) Leaf colour chart and its use for nitrogen management in rice crop. 
5. (b) Agronomic manipulation for preventing soil erosion. 
5. (c) Soil health card.
5. (d) Biodrainage and its limitations.
5. (e) e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) and its advantages. 

6. (a) Describe contract farming in India and its relevance in present scenario.
6. (b) Differentiate between saline and sodic soils. Give an account of agro-techniques for management of these soils. 
6. (c) What do you mean by carbon-sequestration ? Give the role of cropping systems for improving c-sequestration. 

7. (a) Give an elaborate account of agronomic measures of watershed management. 20 
7. (b) What is the present status of pulse production in India? Narrate the constraints and strategies for increasing the pulse production.
7. (c) Give the contributions of Self-help Groups for rural livelihood security. 10

8. (a) What are the reasons for low availability of phosphorus nutrient ? Give an account of agronomic practices to improve the phosphorus-use efficiency. 
8. (b) Give an account of modern communication technologies for agricultural trans formation. 
8. (c) What are the components of drip irrigation system ? Enumerate the benefits of drip-fertigation. 

                                         (Paper II)

                                                    Marks: 250                         Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Define mutation. Write its classification and role in crop improvement. 10
(b) Define dormant and hard seeds. Describe the physiological basis of seed dormancy along with methods to overcome this problem. 10
(c) what makes a nutrient element become essential for plant growth and development? Which is the latest addition in the existing list of 16 essential plant nutrients? Mention its deficiency symptoms and functions. 10 
(d) How is the patent system different from plant variety protection system? 10 
(e) Enlist the storage pests of pulses with their nature of damage. Write their management practices. 

Q2. (a) What are the major components that constitute cell structure? Describe their functions. 20 
(b) method and give its importance in crop improvement, with suitable examples. 
(c) Write important objectives of seed testing along with the methods used for testing of seed viability, seed vigour and genetic purity of a variety. 15 

Q3. (a) Explain the role of plant growth substances in the various developmental stages of a plant with special reference to horticultural crops. 20
(b) Discuss the reasons for food grain surplus. Describe food grain production and consumption trends in India. 15 
(c) Explain sterility systems in crop plants. Describe the role of male sterility in hybrid seed production in vegetable crops with suitable examples.  15 

Q4. (a) Write the various methods of plant breeding and describe the back cross method with its importance in development of crop varieties. 
(b) Describe the various types of field and seed standards followed in seed production and certification programmes.15 
(c) Name the major fruit crops along with the states commercially growing these crops. Describe the package of practices for papaya cultivation in India. 15 


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) How are vitamins classified? Name the blood clotting vitamin. Give its various functions and sources. 10
(b) What is polyploidy? Describe its application in crop improvement with its limitations.
(c) Describe the role of plant genetic resources conservation in crop improvement.
(d) Write the merits and limitations of using genetically modified crops. Present a brief account on the application of GM technology in India. 10
(e) “The rate of transpiration governs the growth of a plant.” Justify the statement with reasoning for how transpiration is influenced by the environment.10 

Q6. (a) Define protected cultivation along with its major advantages and challenges for adoption in India. Describe the plastic low tunnel technology for off-season cultivation of vegetables. 
(b) various Laws of Heredity. Explain the Law of Independent Assortment with suitable examples.
(c) Write in detail about bacterial diseases of crop plants and their suitable management practices. 

Q7. (a) Give the present status of vegetable cultivation in India and describe the package of practices of rabi and kharif onion cultivation in India.
(b) What is pesticide resistance ? Differentiate between simple and multiple resistance in insect pests with examples. Prescribe measures to overcome pesticide resistance problems
(c) Describe gene pyramiding and gene introgression with their importance in developing disease resistant varieties. 

Q8.(a) Name the commercial floriculture crops being grown in India. Describe the package of practices of year round cultivation of chrysanthemum in India. 
(b) Elaborate the role of seed industry in the development of Indian agriculture. 
(c) Write the principles of biological control of plant pathogens. Describe the recent trends in bio-control strategies in the field of crop disease management



                                                             Marks: 250                                Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1.Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

1.(a) Global warming and its impact on crop productivity. 10 marks
1.(b) Contingency planning in dry land rain fed agriculture. 10 marks
1.(c) Role of hybrids/high yielding varieties to meet national goal of food security. 10 marks
1.(d) Precise water saving irrigation practices to enhance water use efficiency. 10 marks
1.(e) Initiatives for improving agricultural marketing in India. 10 marks
2.(a) Discuss the importance and method of water harvesting under different agro-ecosystems.20 marks
2.(b) Explain the factors affecting soil organic matter content. Describe the techniques to increase soil organic matter.20 marks
2.(c) What is role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Self Help Groups in technology dissemination for agricultural development ? 10 marks
3.(a) Describe the comparative package of practices for direct seeded aerobic rice and S.R.I. 20 marks
3.(b) What are the mandates of Krishi Vigyan Kendras ? How KVKs are helping in dissemination of agricultural technologies and upliftment of socio-economic conditions of farmers ? 20 marks
3.(c) Discuss the utility of Remote Sensing in context of Indian Agriculture. 10 marks
4.(a) What changes occur in rice puddled soil ? Describe the fate of nitrogen and practices for enhancing nitrogen use efficiency in such soils. 20 marks
4.(b) Describe the types and benefits of non-conventional forestry systems. State the characteristics of suitable tree species for non-conventional forestry. 20 marks
4.(c) What is the phenomenon of herbicide resistance in weeds ? Discuss the factors responsible for development of herbicide resistance. 10 marks



Q5. Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

5.(a) Innovations in biological weed management. 10 marks
5.(b) Role of forestry in carbon sequestration. 10 marks
5.(c) Problems and reclamation of saline and sodic soils. 10 marks
5.(d) Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) in agricultural extension. 10 marks
5.(e) Role of organic farming for sustainability and profitability. 10 marks
6.(a) What are the different sources of soil and water pollutions ? Describe the impact of soil and water pollution on crop productivity and environment. 20 marks
6.(b) Discuss the kinds of bio-fertilizers and their application methods. Give the reasons for their limited acceptance among the Indian farmers. 20 marks
6.(c) Discuss the crop insurance and its implications. Narrate the government initiatives taken for crop insurance. 10 marks
7.(a) Explain the principles of conservation agriculture. Describe the practices and impact of conservation agriculture in Indian scenario. 20 marks
7.(b) List out the approaches for scheduling of irrigation. 10 marks
7.(c) It is proposed to test the relative efficiency of scheduling irrigation to groundnut at 25%, 50% and 75% depletion of available soil moisture. Field capacity of soil in the effective root zone depth of 60 cm is 16% with a permanent wilting point of 6%. At what respective soil moisture contents, irrigations are to be scheduled with three irrigations? 10 marks
7.(d) Elaborate the strategies for doubling the farmers' income by 2022. 10 marks
8.(a) What is status of oilseed production and constraints of their production in India? Describe the strategies for attaining self-sufficiency in oilseed production. 20  marks
8.(b) What are the characteristics of a good farm plan ? What techniques will you adopt to solve the farm management problems? 10 marks
8.(c) What is Front Line Demonstration (FLD)? How does it help in boosting the production and productivity of crops? 10 marks
8.(d) What are the advances in chemical weed management? 10 marks


 (Paper II)

Marks: 250                   Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) What is protoplasm ? Briefly discuss its chemical composition and physical properties. 10 marks
(b) Define mass selection. Explain its applications in self-pollinated crops. 10  marks
(c) What do you mean by heterosis ? Describe the physiological bases of heterosis. 10 marks
(d) Explain seed enhancement with its merits. Describe in brief about the various practices used for seed enhancement. 10 marks
(e) Define enzyme. Give a note on the factors affecting the rate of enzymic activities in plants. 10 marks

Q2. (a) What do you mean by hybrid seed production ? Describe the different types of sterility systems to facilitate hybrid seed production. 20 marks
(b) What do you understand by chromosomal aberration ? Discuss in brief, the major types of chromosomal aberrations. 15 marks
(c) Enlist Mendel's different laws. Describe in detail about the law of segregation with suitable examples. 15 marks

Q3. (a) Enumerate the various types of seeds. Give a stepwise account of techniques associated with seed production. 20 marks
(b) What do you mean by self-incompatibility ? Discuss ways and means to overcome self-incompatibility. 15 marks
(c) Define Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). Discuss IPRs" relevance to agriculture.15 marks

 Q4. (a) Differentiate between aneuploid, euploid and polyploid. Explain in detail the applications of allopolyploidy in crop improvement. 20 marks
(b) Give justification that "DNA fingerprinting is a vital tool for identification of the cultivars".15 marks
(c) What do you mean by Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC) ? Describe the different soil moisture constants. 15 marks


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) What are the different methods of diagnosis of mineral nutrient deficiency ? Describe the role and deficiency symptoms of zinc in rice and sulphur in oilseed crops. 10 marks
(b) Explain C3, C4 and CAM mechanism in plants and their importance in changing climatic conditions. 10 marks
(c) Enlist factors affecting the post-harvest life of flowers. How can it be controlled by growth regulators ? 10 marks
(d) Describe symptoms and management of leaf curl and mosaic diseases in tomato.10 marks
(e) Give a brief account of food security in India before and after the green revolution. Suggest sustainable solutions to strengthen food security in the country. 10 marks

Q6. (a) Define auxins and explain their role in crop life cycles. Also, discuss the uses of auxins in agriculture. 20 marks
(b) Discuss the effects of water stress on plant growth and development. Describe plant borne mechanisms to escape from drought and stress situation. 15 marks
(c) What do you understand by seed dormancy? Discuss the reasons for seed dormancy. Also, describe the various methods for breaking seed dormancy. 15 marks

Q7. (a) Give package of cultivation of pomegranate with reference to planting materials and methods, irrigation, nutrition, plant protection and post-harvest management. 20 marks
(b) Enlist different vegetative propagation methods for fruit plants. Describe the different layering techniques employed for fruit plant propagation. 15 marks
(c) Describe the post-harvest management and value-added products of black pepper. 15 marks

Q8.(a) What do you mean by Integrated Pest Management (IPM) ? Discuss the constraints in successful implementation of IPM. 20 marks
(b) Describe the importance of micronutrients in human health, Justify with suitable examples. 15 marks
(c) What do you understand by e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) ? Discuss the prospects and constraints of e-NAM in the context of Indian farmers.15 marks


UPSC Mains Exam Paper - 2017 : Agriculture
(Paper I)

                                                      Time Allowed : Three Hours     Maximum Marks : 250

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :

There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and ENGLISH .

Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.

Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each section.

The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the spaceprovided. A marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.

Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.

Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.


Q1. Describe the following in about 150 words each :

(a) Precision farming
(b) Ecological principles for productive and sustainable agriculture
(c) Greenhouse effect and global warming
(d) Role of Bt cotton in cotton production
(e) Soil health

Q2. (a) How are plant nutrients classified ? What role do they play in crop productivity ?
(b) What is organic farming ? How does it help in sustaining the soil fertility and crop productivity ?
(c) Describe the method of biological weed control with suitable examples.

Q3. (a) Describe the technologies for seeded and transplanted rice production.
(b) Describe the role of afforestation in minimising environmental pollution.
(c) Describe the utility of remote sensing and GIS in forest plantation.

Q4. (a) Describe crop-weed-competition. Discuss the different factors affecting the efficiency of herbicides.
(b) Describe the utility of forest products in increasing farmers' incomes.
(c) Describe soil salinity'. Enumerate various methods for soil reclamation.


Q5. Describe the following in about 150 words each :

(a) Problems of dryland agriculture
(b) Soil erosion and its management
(c) Small and marginal farmers
(d) Self-Help Group (SHG) approach for agriculture and rural development
(e) Crop Insurance

Q6. (a) How are soil and water polluted by industrial effluents ? What are the strategies to minimise this problem?
(b) What are different techniques used for increasing water use efficiency in relation to crop production ?
(c) What are the various farm management tools used in farm planning ?

Q7. (a) What is the significance of marketing information in agricultural marketing ? Discuss the status of market intelligence in India.
(b) What are the target groups in agricultural extension ? What role can KVKS (Krishi Vigyan Kendras) play to reach such groups ?
(c) Describe the significance of minimum support prices of agricultural produce in India. How are they worked out ?

Q8. (a) What do you mean by integrated watershed management and what is its significance in dryland agriculture ?
(b) Describe different measures to improve the drainage of water-logged soils to increase soil fertility and crop productivity.
(c) What are the principles of agricultural extension education ? How does it differ from formal education ?



Time Allowed : Three Hours                                             Maximum Marks : 250



(Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions)

There are EIGHT questions divided in two Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.

Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.

Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each Section.

The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one.

Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.

Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :

(a) What is cell? Enlist different organelles of plant cell with brief description of functions of mitochondria.
(b) Give a brief account of conservation of crop genetic resources.
(c) What are the genetic and agronomic principles of seed production?
(d) What do you mean by male sterility? List various types of male sterility systems found in plants and discuss the chemically induced male sterility.
(e) What is embryo rescue? Write its advantages in crop improvement. Indicate the technique with special reference to interspecific and intergeneric hybridization.

Q2. (a) Describe various steps involved in seed certification and the institutions associated in the production of certified seeds.
(b) Describe the applications of molecular markers in crop improvement.
(c) Explain cytoplasmic inheritance and its characteristics.

Q3. (a) Define heterosis. How is heterosis being exploited in the development of hybrids?
(b) What is polyploidy? Briefly discuss its application and limitations in crop improvement.
(c) Narrate the role of genetic engineering in crop improvement.

Q4. (a) What are mutations? Indicate the use of induced mutation in varietal development.
(b) Explain the mechanism involved in breeding for resistance to insect-pests.
(c) Discuss the impact of PPV & FRA in varietal protection of crop plants.


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :

(a) What are plant growth regulators? How do they differ from phytohormones? Indicate the applications of plant growth regulators in agriculture.
(b) Describe the criteria of essentiality of nutrients. Classify the essential nutrients for plants. Discuss the role of phosphorus and calcium in crops with special reference to pulses.
(c) Give a brief account of post-harvest losses in fruits. Suggest various management techniques to avoid losses due to post-harvest diseases.
(d) What are nutrition challenges? Discuss the factors contributing to the undernutrition at different stages of life cycle.
(e) Define medicinal and aromatic plants. Discuss their importance and uses.

Q6. (a) Define 'evapotranspiration'. How is it affected by various factors? Briefly discuss the passive absorption of water by plants.
(b) What is photophosphorylation? Distinguish between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation. Give schematic structure of both the pathways. 20
(c) How does high-tech horticulture technology play role in enhancing resource use efficiency and farmers' income?

Q7. (a) Give a brief account of major pests and diseases of mango with their management measures.
(b) Suggest the measures to prevent the spread of exotic pests and diseases in the country.
(c) Differentiate between symbiotic and asymbiotic nitrogen fixation. How does symbiotic nitrogen fixation take place in crop plants?

Q8. (a) What are various ways of value addition in fruits and vegetables?
(b) What is protein energy malnutrition? Give micronutrient deficiency in women and children.
(c) What is food security? Indicate the major constraints in food procurement and distribution.


UPSC Mains Optional Agriculture (Paper -1 & Paper -2) - 2016



Q1. Describe the following in not more than 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Agroforestry and Agrostology 10 marks
(b) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) vs Integrated Management (INM) 10 marks
(c) Farming system vs Mixed farming 10 marks
(d) Decoy crop vs Trap crop 10 marks
(e) Fertigation vs Herbigation 10 marks

Q2.(a) List out the criteria for essentiality of nutrients. Differentiate between essential, beneficial and functional elements in plant nutrition. How are these nutrient elements absorbed by the plants? 20 marks
(b) Differentiate between soil fertility and soil productivity. What is meant by the organic matter content of good agricultural soil? Compare it with that of forest soil. Suggest ways to maintain soil organic matter content and improve crop productivity. 20 marks
(c) What do you mean by the terms remote sensing and GIS? What are their applications in agriculture and forestry?  10 marks

Q3. (a) Write a brief note on the importance of pulses for sustainable future. Describe the international pulse year with its main objectives and strategies to enhance the production and availability of pulses. 20 marks
(b) Describe the package of practices for raising a short duration pigeon pea. Discuss good agricultural practices (GAP) and their implications. 20 marks
(c) Explain the critical period of crop-weed competition with suitable examples. 10 marks

Q4.(a) Discuss the global initiatives and international conventions on climate change. What does NICRA stand for? What are the initiatives taken by the Indian Government in this regard ? 20 marks
(b) Briefly describe the various types of furexly plantations like social forestry, agroforestry and natural forests. What methods are employed for propagation of forest plants ?  20 marks
(c) List out the factors affecting efficacy of herbicides. 10 marks


Q5. Describe the following in not more than 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Protected agriculture 10 marks
(b) Phytostabilisation  10 marks
(c) Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras  10 marks
(d) Farm planning and Farm management  10 marks
(e) Kisan Credit Card 10 marks

Q6. (a) Differentiate between rained and irrigated agriculture. List out the major problems of rainfed agriculture. Describe the various soil moisture conservation measures to boost crop production in rainfed farming. 20 marks
(b) Discuss the various methods of evaluation of extension programmes. Discuss the significance of Self-Help Groups for rural development, with successful examples. 20 marks
(c) Describe the concept of market intelligence and explain the various problems in agricultural marketing system in India. 10 marks

Q7.(a) Define agricultural extension. Differentiate between extension education and formal education. Discuss its importance in agricultural development. 20 marks
(b) Explain various soil conservation methods and integrated watershed management approach. What is soil erosion ? Discuss the methods of managing soil erosion. 20 marks
(d) What are the important principles of farm management ? 10 marks

Q8.(a) Discuss the mechanism of fixation of minimum support prices of agricultural products. 10 marks
(b) Discuss the significance of quality of irrigation water and rain-water harvesting for crop productivity. Describe how irrigation is scheduled in the critical stage of crop growth. 20 marks
(c) Explain how industrial effluents affect soil and water pollution. What measures can be taken to reduce this impact ? 20 marks



1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Elaborate Mendel's law of independent assortment' by giving suitable example.
(b) Define "pure lines' along with their characteristics. How are they used in crop improvement?
(c) Explain Intellectual Property Rights. Give the present status of IPR in relation to agriculture.
(d) Explain the mechanism of absorption of salts. Give potassium, calcium and iron deficiency symptoms in plants.
(e) Discuss sterility systems used in hybrid seed production. Briefly mention chemically induced male sterility.

2. Answer the following questions: 12.5 x4=50 marks

(a) Define 'general combining ability'. Explain the genetic basis and methods for estimating SCA in diallel mating system.
(b) What are the genetic consequences of self- and cross-pollination?
(c) Discuss the sui generis protection of traditional knowledge.
(e) How is water absorbed by land plants? Explain varlous external conditions affecting water absorption by roots.

3. Answer the following questions: 12.5 x4=50 marks

(a)  Explain oxidative decarboxylation citing suitable example.
(b) Give evidences supporting translocation of organic solutes in phloem. Explain Ringing experiment.
(c) Given the seed from a male sterile line of corn, how would you determine if the sterility is genetic or cytoplasmic?
(d) Discuss the importance of gene pyramiding and gene introgression in developing disease-resistant cultivars.

4. Answer the following questions: 12.5x4=50  marks

(a) Discuss the practical applications of mutations in wheat, rice and barley. Name two varieties of wheat released by the use of induced mutations in India.
(b) Give an account of mechanism of protein synthesis. Compare it with prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
(c) Explain formal and informal seed supply systems in India.
(d) Differentiate between transpiration and guttation. Why permanent wilting takes place?


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

(a) What are the important new varieties of carnation? Explain the importance of pinching operation for producing quality carnation.
(b) Explain the connection between anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
(c) Compare the inoculative and augmentative releases of natural enemies for biological control of pests.
(d) Discuss the strength and weakness of public distribution system in the country.
(e) Describe the procedure of tissue culture for multiplying new cultivars of gladiolus

6.Answer the following questions : 12.5 x4=50  marks

(a) What are the special schemes for providing food grains to underprivileged, destitutes and malnourished populations?
(b) Explain the production technology for commercial cultivation of marigold and aster flowers. (c) Why are the concepts of economic threshold and economic injury levels important in IPM? (d) Explain the phenomenon of passive absorption and give the factors affecting the rate of absorption of water.

7. Answer the following questions: 12.5 x4=50 marks

(a) How does maturity control the post-harvest quality and storage life of fruits? Give maturity indices for some fruits and vegetables. ‘
(b) Explain the present status of food and nutrition security in India.
(c) Discuss plant disease occurrence, epidemics and IDM.
(d) Explain the effect of concentration of enzyme on its activity. Give different methods for regulating the enzymic activity.

8. Write notes on the following:  12.5 x4=50 marks

(a) Horizontal and vertical resistance
(b) Ionizing radiations and insect control
(c) Vascular wilt and xylemn wilt
(d) Red flour beetle and Angoumois grain moth


UPSC Mains 2015: Agriculture (Paper -1 & 2) 

Optional Question Paper



1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

(a) Why is watershed management important in dryland agriculture?
(b) How is soil erosion caused?
(c) Discuss the farm management problems in the Indian context.
(d) How is ‘contract farming' playing an important role in agrifood chain in the Indian context?
(e) How are the agro-climatic zones determined?

2. (a) Elaborate the environmental pollutions along with the role of afforestation in minimizing their effects. 20 marks
(b) Discuss about the factors affecting the efficacy of herbicides. 20 marks
(c) How does soil acidity affect the crops ? 10 marks

(3) Differentiate and elaborate the following: 10x5=50 marks

(a) Integrated nutrient management and Integrated pest management
(b) Intensive agriculture and Sustainable agriculture
(c) Agroforestry and Agrostology
(d) Frontline demonstration and Method demonstration
(e) Lime requirement and Leaching requirement

4. (a) Discuss nitrogen transformation and its management in submerged soil for rice production. 20 marks
(b) Write about the needs and techniques of forage conservation.  15 marks
(c) Write the approaches of biological weed control with suitable examples. 15 marks


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50

(a) Describe the agricultural regions of India.
(b) What benefits are derived from organic matter in soil?
(c) Elaborate the problems of residual toxicity of herbicide and its management.
(d) Detail the role of co-operative marketing.
(e) What is the importance of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in the context of rural livelihood?

6. (a) Give the criteria of essentiality of plant nutrients. List the essential mineral elements required in plant nutrition. State the principal functions of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. 20 marks
(b) Write the concept of soil moisture constraints. Write the role and availability of moisture to plants. 15 marks
(c) Explain multiple cropping, its significance and constraints experienced by farmers. 15 marks

7.(a) Is curing in tobacco beneficial ? Describe the various curing processes adopted in tobacco growing regions of India. 20 marks
(b) Explain El Nino effect, its causes and impact on Indian agriculture.  15 marks
(c) Why is Broad Based Extension (BBE) multidirectional? What difficulties arise in its implementation? 15 marks

8. (a) Elaborate the ways to increase fertilizer use efficiency. 20 marks
(b) Why is crop diversification more beneficial than traditional monoculture system? 20 marks
(c) Compare direct seeding and transplanting of rice. 10 marks



1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

(a) Classify the mutation. Explain the application of mutation breeding.
(b) Write the package and practices of Gladiolus cultivars citing method of propagation, soil, climatic conditions, harvesting and yield.
(c) What are Enzymes ? Write the properties and factors affecting enzyme's activity.
(d) Explain the constraints in procurement and distribution policies in India.
(e) What do you mean by C3, C4 and CAM mechanisms?

2. Answer each of the following questions: 12.5x4=50 marks

(a) Discuss the impact of rapid increase in population on food and agriculture.
(b) Write the diagnostic symptoms of Blister Blight of Tea. Explain the causal organism and management of the disease in tea plantation.
(c) What is meant by linkage and crossover? Write their significance in recombination breeding.
(d) What do you mean by genetically modified crop plants? Write its advantages and disadvantages.

3. Answer each of the following questions : 12.5x4=50 marks

(a) Define cole crops. Explain on what basis cole crops are grouped.
(b) Explain the law of homologous series. How is it helpful in genetic resources, conservation and utilization ?
(c) What do you mean by nutrient deficiency? Explain the micro-nutrient deficiency in context of work capacity of women and children.
(d) What is stress physiology? Write the physiology of seed germination and development.

4. Answer each of the following questions: 12.5x4=50 marks

(a) What is photoperiodism? Write at least one example of shortday plant, longday plant and day neutral plant.
(b) Write the distribution of mango malformation in India. What are the causes of different malformations ? Suggest to combat the malformation.
(c) Write the essential nutrients required by plants for growth and development. Explain the boron deficiency symptom in Cauliflower and Litchi.
(d) What are the components of DNA and RNA? Give the characteristic difference of the DNA and RNA:


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50  marks

(a) What are objectives of seed testing? Write the testing procedure adopted in paddy and wheat cròps.
(b) Name three important stored grain pests of Rice. Describe the biology and management of any one of them.
(c) Define Quarantine. Explain the plant quarantine regulation with respect to wart disease of Potato and bunchy top disease of Banana.
(d) What do you mean by Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)? Who are specially focussed group covered under this programme?
(e) Write the importance of prunning and Training in fruit crops. Describe the procedure adopted in Grapes.

6. Answer each of the following questions:  12.5x4=50 marks

(a) What are the reasons for food grain surplus in India? Write the steps taken by the government to save the food grains.
(b) Write the package and practices of Potato cultivation under the heads of soil and climatic condition, seed rate, nutrients requirement, time of planting, earthing and yield.
(c) Define respiration and state why this process is essential for plants.
(d) Discuss the importance of conservation of plant genetic resources for crop improvements.

7. Answer each of the following questions: 12.5x4=50 marks

(a) What are fungicides? How fungicides are classified on the basis of chemical nature ?
(b) Name the process by which carbohydrates are synthesized in plants. Narrate its mechanism.
(c) Write the production technology of Marigold as it is one of the important flowers cultivated throughout the year  
(d) What is cell ? Explain the structure and function of the cell.

8. Write notes on each of the following:  12.5x4=50 marks

(a) Predator and parasites
(b) Laws of heredity
(c) Biological control of pests and diseases
(d) Food production and consumption trends in India



1 comment:

  1. Great breakdown of the agriculture section in the UPSC Mains exam! Agriculture is such a crucial topic, especially considering its relevance to India’s economy and rural development. I appreciate how you've highlighted the key areas of study, including crop production, soil health, and recent government initiatives. This article will definitely help aspirants streamline their preparation. Looking forward to more insights on how to tackle current affairs and case studies related to this topic in the exam!"
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