CS (MAIN) EXAM: 2019 Psychology
Marks: 250
Time Allowed: Three Hours
(Paper 1)
1. Answer the following questions in
about 150 words each :10x5=50 marks
(a) The edifice of
behaviourism was built on the loopholes of the teleological approach in
psychoanalysis. Evaluate.mo 10 marks
(b) “Diagnostic and prognostic researches are complementary to each
other." Explain with suitable examples. 10 marks
(c) Explain the role of hypothesis in psychological researches with suitable
examples.10 marks
(d) How do we see the objects in three dimensions? Discuss the factors
influencing the same. 10 marks
(e) In what ways is deviation IQ different from traditional IQ? Discuss. 10
2. (a) "Multistore model of memory best explains the
nature of memory." Evaluate the statement in theoretical perspective and
empirical evidences. 20 marks
(b) What is the significance of
attachment to parents in social and emotional well-being of a child? Illustrate
from the perspective of developmental theories. 15 marks
(c) How do environmental factors determine the sensation of hunger? Illustrate
with examples. 15 marks
3. (a) Differentiate between experimental and
quasi-experimental designs. Evaluate the applications of quasi-experimental
designs in psychological researches. 20 marks
(b) Explain how divergent thinking is
different from convergent thinking. Discuss the methods to foster divergent
thinking in children.'15 marks
(c) What is achievement motivation? Discuss the projective technique as a
method for assessing achievement motivation. 15 marks
4. (a) Discuss the effects of stimulus-deprivation on
human behaviour with empirical evidences. 20 marks
(b) How is NEO Five-Factor Theory
different from 16 Personality Factors Theory? Explain. 15 marks
(c) Illustrate that values can best be fostered during childhood. Discuss
different methods for fostering moral and ethical values among school-going
children.15 marks
5. Answer the following questions in
about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Evaluate the
critical period' hypothesis in language acquisition. 10 marks
(b) “Discrimination and generalization are two complementary processes in skill
learning.” Discuss with reference to operant conditioning.10 marks
(c) "Stereotypes can lead to the development of prejudice and
discrimination." Explain citing examples from Indian context.10 marks
(d) How did structuralism contribute to the development of psychology as a
discipline? Evaluate. 10 marks
(e) Why do most people experience geometrical illusions? Explain from the
psychological perspective. 10 marks
6. (a) How is Gardner's theory of intelligence distinct
from Spearman's theory? Illustrate.20 marks
(b) Citing examples from life
situations, explain the phenomenon of perceptual organization.15 marks
(c) What is vicarious learning? Discuss its applications in acquisition of
emotional responses.15 marks
7. (a) Define 'concept'. Illustrate different types of
concepts and processes involved in the formulation of the same.20 marks
(b) How can language be analyzed for
its similarities across cultures? Explain with scientific evidences. 15
(c) Two-way ANOVA is not merely an addition of two one-way ANOVAs. Describe and
evaluate with examples. 15 marks
8. (a) Citing research evidences, bring out the role of
cultural factors in socialization.20 marks
(b) Is amnesia merely a
phenomenon of retrieval failure? Discuss in the light of empirical
evidences. 15 marks
(c) Critically evaluate the uses of paper-pencil tests in personality
assessment. 15 marks
CS (MAIN) EXAM: 2019 Psychology (Paper 2)
Marks: 250 Time Allowed:
Three Hours
1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Even though validity often requires reliability, the reverse
is not true. Explain.10 marks
(b) "If you accept that studying does not come naturally, then it is
apparent that one should need to set-up an organized schedule to promote
adequate study." Comment on this statement and highlight the important
steps.10 marks
(c) Describe factors that may positively or negatively affect academic
performance. 10 marks
(d) Discuss why and how news coverage in the media affects us.10 marks
(e) What is successful aging ? What are the components of successful aging? 10
2. (a) Explain why group
membership can have a powerful influence on social behaviours and decisions.20
(b) Given the rapid changes that are taking place in the
Media, specially the internet and smartphones, discuss the psychological impact
of these on adolescents. 15 marks
(c) Why no single form of therapy works best for every problem? How an eclectic
approach is an answer to it? 15 marks
3. (a) What is the
difference between prejudice and discrimination ? Discuss the newer forms of
prejudice that we see today. 20 marks
(b) How would cognitive therapy explain the cause for
clinical depression of a client and what would be the therapeutic approach
followed for the treatment? 15 marks
(c) In the light of research, discuss the ways in which social conflicts can be
resolved. 15 marks
4. (a) How can one make a
decision of using exploratory factor analysis or confirmatory factor analysis
or an integrated approach while constructing a psychological test ? 20 marks
(b) Why is Narcissistic personality disorder considered as
a personality disorder? What are the obstacles faced by the clinicians to treat
these types of clients? 15 marks
(c) How can substance abuse be explained through different psychological approaches?
How can rehabilitation process help the people indulging in substance abuse? 15
5. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) “Psychological tests are important in personnel
selection." Give reason to it and describe which psychological tests are
generally used. 10 marks
(b) How can one differentiate between learning and training? Discuss any two
executive training methods giving suitable examples. 10 marks
(c) Discuss the relationship of achievement motivation to entrepreneurial
behaviour, citing relevant research.10 marks
(d) How can community play an important role in providing safety to women? Discuss. 10
(e) How can group cohesion method be a strong psychological intervention in
enhancing the team performance? 10 marks
6. (a) Discuss
socio-emotional factors affecting achievement motivation among students from
disadvantage groups.15 marks
(b) Why is psychological wellbeing considered as an essential factor of health?
What are the different ways it can be enhanced? 15 marks
(c) Critically examine Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation and point out
that in what way Herzberg's theory is different from Maslowian theory? 20
7. (a) Point out the
general psychological consequences of social and economic disadvantaged
groups. 15 marks
(b) Explain the influence of media towards antisocial behaviour through
different learning theories.15 marks
(c) There is a strong need for a wellbeing curriculum for children in schools.
You are asked to develop such a curriculum. What would be the focus and
essential components of such a curriculum? 20 marks
8. (a) “Why is social
change necessary ? Discuss the effective strategies to bring about social
change for community development. 15 marks
(b) "Population explosion and high population density have negative
psychological consequences.” Explain this statement especially stressing light
on negative psychological consequences. 15 marks
(c) “Rapid scientific and technological growths are responsible for degradation
of environment, although, scientific and technological developments are
necessary for National development." Discuss the above assertion and point
out the mechanisms for controlling the environmental degradation. 20 marks
CS (MAIN) EXAM: 2018 Psychology (Paper 1)
Marks: 250 Time Allowed: Three Hours
1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Discuss how psychology can be applied in solving the problem
of global climate change.
(b) "Human memory is not like information stored in a tape recorder or
compact disc." Critically evaluate the statement.
(c) According to Piaget, the egocentric preschooler is not intentionally 'inconsiderate'
but rather has difficulty taking another's viewpoint. Explain.
(d) Explain and critically evaluate the phenomenon of perceptual defence.
(e) Examine how probability learning is different from other types of learning
Give examples.
2. (a) Perception is
plastic. However, it may also be affected by innate tendencies. Critically
evaluate. 20 marks
(b) How have neuroscientists and evolutionary scientists
contributed to modern psychology? 15 marks
(c) Demonstrate the importance of the shallow and deep levels of processing in
remembering. With the help of daily life examples, explain how retrieval cucs
enable us to remember. 15 marks
3. (a) Why is the
principle of random assignment of participants used in experimental method? How
do experimenter effects and demand characteristics influence participants'
behaviour in experimentation? What procedures can be adopted to minimize such
pitfalls? 20 marks
(b) Differentiate between positive and negative types of
reinforcement and punishment. Describe how these could be applied to enforce
putting on the seat belts while driving.15 marks
(c) Differentiate between various developmental tasks of young men and women in
India. 15 marks
4. (a) What are the
assumptions underlying ANOVA? Discuss the conditions when two-way ANOVA is
applied and how the results are interpreted with a hypothetical example. 20
(b) Discuss signal detection theory and explain its
applications. 15 marks
(c) How can different methods of sampling and data collection be useful in
impact evaluation of government social schemes? Describe with a suitable
example. 15 marks
5. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Explain the use of availability heuristic and
representativeness heuristic in problem solving with the help of research
(b) Do you think being in a good mood reduces your capacity to process incoming
information? Examine in the light of research studies.
(c) According to Bandura, human beings often demonstrate impressive capacity
for the self-regulation of their own behaviour. Evaluate.
(d) In what way can dissonance be an effective means for changing attitudes and
(e) Explain various limitations of verbal communication.
6. (a) Compare the trait
perspective and humanistic perspective on personality. 20 marks
(b) "Creativity refers to novel ideas that address some problems in a
useful way." Critically examine the statement and discuss how creative
insight can be explained. 15 marks
(c) Is sleep a passive process? Justify your answer with proper scientific
support. 15 marks
7. (a) Describe the
structure and features of language focussing on what makes human language
unique in comparison to communication in animals. 20 marks
(b) Discuss contemporary researches on simulating human
intelligence using machines and their implications for understanding human
behaviour, 15 marks
(c) Discuss the significance and correlates of values. Comment on the impact of
social media on values. 15 marks
8. (a) Describe how J. P.
Das' theory is distinct from other theories of intelligence. 20 marks
(b) Explain the concepts of self-serving bias and
fundamental attribution error. How do they affect problem solving? 15 marks
(c) Are emotionally competent people internally controlled? Explain. What are
the ways to enhance intrinsic motivation of young adults? 15 marks
CS (MAIN) EXAM: 2018 Psychology (Paper 2)
Marks: 250 Time Allowed: Three
1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
1. (a) Bring out the
similarities and differences between intelligence, aptitude, and achievement
tests. 10 marks
1. (b) How does stress contribute to the causation of physical illness? Discuss
the role of optimism as factor moderating the impact of stress.10 marks
1.(c) In the context of positive social change differentiate between
first-order and second-order change. Why is the second-order change often the
focus of community psychology? 10 marks
1.(d) What role do cultural factors play in rehabilitation of senior citizens
with possible memory and cognitive decline ? Comment on the significance of
family and social support in such rehabilitation in India. 10 marks
1. (e) In what specific ways can psychologists work for empowering the
communities that have been marginalized by the society? 10 marks
2. (a)Discuss the
efficacy of systematic desensitization in reducing clients' phobic reactions.
Illustrate your answer with suitable example 15 marks
2. (b) Explain the ctiology of manic-depressive disorder.
Evaluate the suitability of therapeutic methods for the treatment of
manic-depressive disorder. 15 marks
2. (c) Discuss the different steps in the construction and standardization of
psychological tests. Illustrate your answer with suitable example. 20 marks
3. (a) How is giftedness
identified and what are the issues in such identification in Indian context ?
How is giftedness related to IQ and creativity? 15 marks
3. (b) Discuss the distinctive aspects of modern
psychodynamic therapy. How can it be helpful in the treatment of diverse array
of disorders? 15 marks
3. (c) Can effective teaching-learning be viewed as a process of collaborative
construction of knowledge? What are the implications of such a view on
classroom structure and management in Indian conditions? 20 marks
4. (a) Explain the nature
of sensitivity training. Comment on its utility as an organizational
development technique.15 marks
4. (b) Discuss the role of social and environmental intervention in
rehabilitation of the mentally challenged. Why are such interventions crucial
in Indian settings? 15 marks
4. (c) Explain Herzberg's theory of work-motivation. Critically comment on its
relevance in Indian context.. 20 marks
5. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
5. (a) Explain, using
psychological framework, the impact of IT and mass media on the work-life in
India. 10 marks
5. (b) What psychological factors act as barriers in the context of women's
entrepreneurship? How can they be overcome? 10 marks
5. (c) Discuss the most commonly used techniques or skills psychologists teach
to athletes for improving their performance. 10 marks
5. (d) Explain the psychosocial factors demotivating people from small family
norms. 10 marks
5. (e) With some examples show how can indigenous knowledge systems be used in
management of biodiversity and cultural diversity? 10 marks
6. (a) How is
disadvantage related to a social structure of hierarchy and discrimination ?
What is its relationship with capability deprivation and poverty? 15 marks
6. (b) Discuss the relevance of frustration - aggression
hypothesis in the context of caste prejudice in India. 15 marks
6. (c) Discuss some major factors of educational failure among tribal
communities in India. Why must education of the disadvantaged emphasise
development of self efficacy and intrinsic motivation? 20 marks
7. (a) Explain how mass
media contribute to acquisition and learning of aggressive and violent
behaviour. Examine the relationship between exposure to erotica and
aggressiveness. 15 marks
7. (b) Explain the psychosocial consequences of crowding
and high population density. Suggest appropriate policies to deal with the
related problems in Indian context. 15 marks
7. (c) Critically describe the role of cultural assimilation in
facilitating/hindering social integration in India. Illustrate with suitable
example. 20 marks
8.(a) Discuss the
relationship between sex-role stereotyping, self-fulfilling prophesy and glass
ceiling effect in Indian society: 15 marks
8.(b) What role can psychologist play in promoting psychological well being of
defence personnel in the context of prolonged deprivational and stressful
condition? 15 marks
8. (c) Explain the interrelationship among achievement motivation, entrepreneurial
behaviour and economic development. Discuss critically as to whether
achievement motivation can be enhanced through training. Cite relevant Indian
studies. 20 marks
UPSC IAS Mains Exam PSYCHOLOGY Paper - 2017
Paper - 1
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks:
(Please read each of the following instructions carefully
before attempting questions)
There are EIGHT questions divided in two Sections
and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are
compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each
question/part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium
authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the
cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks
will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Assume suitable data, if considered
necessary, and indicate the same clearly.
Unless and otherwise indicated,
symbols and notations carry their usual standard meanings.
Attempts of questions shall be
counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be
counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in
the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
Q1. Answer each the
following questions in about 150 words:
(a) Describe how
you used psychology to solve a social problem.
(b) Distinguish between negative reinforcement and punishment. Do you think
punishment is an effective way to modify behaviour?
(c) In a study, the number of students intake in a college correlated very
highly with violence. Explain the research finding.
(d) Do you think subliminal messages can actually lead to significant changes
in attitudes or behaviour? Cite research evidence.
(e) Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour. Evaluate.
Q2. (a) Why do we forget?
Differentiate between anterograde and retrograde amnesia.
(b) How can you use 'Focus Group Discussion' to promote use of toilets in rural
(c) How would you apply Operant Conditioning technique for toilet training to a
3-year-old boy?
Q3. (a) Whatever we
are, it is because of Genes. Discuss.
(b) Which research design would you apply to prove that a particular method of
teaching yields best results? Describe.
(c) How are we able to perceive the world in three dimensions when our eyes are
capable of sensing only two-dimensional images?
Q4. (a) Evaluate
"interview" as a method of data collection.
(b) Explain the role of meaningfulness and emotional arousal in encoding.
Discuss the implications of encoding specificity principle.
(c) Explain the differences in information processing at various levels of
memory. In what way is recall affected by initial processing of information?
Q5. Answer each of
the following questions in about 150 words:
(a) Creative people usually have high IQ scores but those
with highest IQ scores are not necessarily the most creative people. Explain.
(b) Critically evaluate Noam Chomsky's theory of transformational grammar.
(c) Drug-addiction is just a maladaptive behaviour. Like other behaviour, it
can be easily changed. Discuss.
(d) What is paradoxical in REM sleep? How active is a person during different
stages of sleep?
(e) Explain different types of reasoning processes used in problem solving with
their strengths and limitations.
Q6. (a) According
to Gardner's theory, there is no one kind of general intelligence for ranking
individuals. Explain.
(b) A young person helped a visually impaired woman to cross the road. He
explained his action saying that he has positive attitude towards such persons.
Did his attitude determine his behaviour or the behaviour determines his attitude?
(c) Explain the importance of Critical Periods in language development. In what
ways are bilingualism and cognitive development related?
Q7. (a) Which needs
should one be high on to be a successful entrepreneur? Explain on the basis of
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
(b) Can we do justice to measuring personality by projective and objective
tests? Discuss.
(c) Why do some people behave aggressively towards those who defy social norms
? How can such aggressive behaviours be changed?
Q8. (a) Can we
determine a person's academic performance based only on IQ score? Explain.
(b) How do we explain self-defeating
behaviour of a person from the Humanistic perspective?
(c) People emphasize the personal traits more than the situational factors.
Evaluate the statement.
Paper - 2
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks:
(Please read each of the following instructions carefully
before attempting questions)
There are EIGHT questions divided in two Sections
and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are
compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each
question/part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium
authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the
cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks
will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Assume suitable data, if considered
necessary, and indicate the same clearly.
Unless and otherwise indicated,
symbols and notations carry their usual standard meanings.
Attempts of questions shall be
counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be
counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in
the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
Q1. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) Critically
evaluate the role of self-report personality inventories in personnel
(b) Explain how the concept of individual differences emerged and state its
importance for vocational guidance.
(c) Explain the concept of incongruence in person-centred therapy.
(d) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group decision-making over
decisions made by individuals.
(e) Explain psychopathic personality and state how it is related to deviant
Q2. (a) Distinguish
between content and process theories of work motivation. Comment on the
applicability of Maslow's theory of work motivation in the Indian context.
(b) Discuss the importance and requirements of orthogenic schools in the
context of pre-delinquent adolescents.
(c) Explain reciprocal inhibition in behaviour therapy and point out its
theoretical basis.
Q3. (a) Elaborate
the process of spotting and nurturing gifted children in the Indian context.
(b) Explain the behavioural cognitive therapy by Ellis with the steps involved
in it.
(c) What is the role of item validation in psychometric scaling? Briefly
describe the steps involved.
Q4. (a) In the
light of various theories of leadership, what kind of leaders will be effective
in bringing about social change?
(b) Explain how hallucinations and delusional contents differ in paranoid and
non-paranoid schizophrenia.
(c) What is the role of the community in handling social problems? Prepare a
plan for involving the community to handle crime against women.
Q5. Answer the
following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) Discuss the
challenges and opportunities offered by multiculturalism and diversity in
today's organizations.
(b) Explain the effects of short-term and chronic exposure to noise on the
performance on cognitive tasks.
(c) What are the psychological consequences of the fast development in
information technology on adolescents?
(d) Explain how cohesiveness can be promoted in sport teams by using
psychological principles.
(e) A large number of people all over the world are forced to leave their
homeland because of violence. What are the psychological problems faced by such
victims of violence? Discuss a plan for their rehabilitation.
Q6. (a) What is
relative deprivation? Explain its consequences on adolescent behaviour in the
current Indian scenario.
(b) Which psychological and cultural factors will facilitate the success of
'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao' programme? How can this programme be promoted through
information technology and mass media?
(c) What do you understand by intergroup attitudes? Why are such attitudes
considered to be a social phenomenon?
Q7. (a) Discuss
how social integration can be promoted in India in the light of intergroup
contact hypothesis and crossed categorization research.
(b) What is man-machine system? In this context, explain the applications of
human engineering in designing the display systems of the aircrafts.
(c) Explain the characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour. Discuss
critically as to how entrepreneurial behaviour can be cultivated through
training. Cite evidence in the Indian context.
Q8. (a) Explain the
effects of rapid scientific and technological growth on environmental
degradation. Discuss the role of psychologists in reducing environmental
(b) Explain the role of mass media in value development. How can the mass media
and information technology be used for promoting pro-social values?
(c) Explain the psychological, socio-cultural and economic consequences of
belonging to a disadvantaged group. Suggest the steps to educate and motivate
disadvantaged groups towards development.
UPSC Mains Optional Psychology Exam Paper - 2016
Paper 1
1. Answer each of the following questions in about 150
words: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Explain how the fundamental understanding of psychology is
helpful in the resolution of societal problems. 10 marks
(b) How can confounding variables invalidate the apparent results of an
experiment? 10 mark
(c) "Cognitive psychologists often use computer as an analogy to explain
the relation between cognition and brain." Discuss. 10 marks
(d) Identify the most important changes that occur during adolescence. 10 marks
(e) What do you understand by amnesia? Illustrate the types of amnesia with
reference to the case of "H.M.'s brain operation". | 10 marks
2. (a) Discuss, with
suitable examples, the key characteristics of within-group and between-groups
designs. 15 marks
(b) Describe the processing of sensory input and explain how it is selected, organized
and interpreted. 15 marks
(c) Show your acquaintance with the cognitive approach to classical
conditioning and describe how classical conditioning principles can be used to
solve everyday problems. 20 marks
3. (a) Give a critical
appraisal of interference theory of forgetting and show how the process of
retrieval inhibition influences forgetting. 20 marks
(b) Describe the phenomenon of subliminal perception and explain it with
reference to the concepts of backward marking and visual priming. Do you think
that the effect of the phenomenon of subliminal perception can be generalized? 15
(c) Critically evaluate Erikson's stages of Psychosocial development. 15 marks
4. (a) Describe the
parenting styles that are used in raising a normal child. 15 marks
(b) How far do you agree with the contention that a more preferred activity can
be used to reinforce a less preferred activity ? Also describe the types of
reinforcement. 15 marks
(c) Explain the phenomena of implicit and explicit memories. Also critically
evaluate Tulving's model of long-term memory. 15 marks
Section B
5. Answer each of the following questions in about 150 words:
10x5=50 marks
(a) Describe the characteristics of Gardner's theory of
intelligence. 10 marks
(b) Explain different types of psycho-active drugs and patterns of their use.
10 marks
(c) Discuss cognitive dissonance theory of attitude change. 10 marks
(d) Explain the contribution of Salovey and Mayer with regard to the concept of
emotional intelligence. 10 marks
(e) What is meant by attribution ? Describe, citing examples, the phenomenon of
attributional augmentation, 10 marks
6. (a) Explain the
components of attitude and examine the methods of attitude formation. 15 marks
(b) Distinguish between mundane and exceptional creativities and citing
suitable research evidences, describe the confluence approach to creativity. 20
(c) Are projective tests really projective in nature? Describe Rorschach and
TAT tests and comment on their reliabilities. 15 marks
7. (a) Critically examine
the metacognitive processes in problem solving. How do functional fixedness and
mental set interfere in solving the problems effectively? 15 marks
(b) Explain motivational concepts with reference to homeostatic models. 15
(c) Describe the physiological changes that are accompanied by shifts in
consciousness in the process of sleep. Also discuss major sleep disorders. 20
8. (a) Give a comparative
account of information processing models of intelligence proposed by Sternberg
and J.P. Das. 20 marks
(b) Discuss the Indian approach to personality as evident in tri-gunas.
15 marks
(c) Discuss the components of language acquisition citing the average age at
which these are demonstrated by a child. 15 marks
Psychology Paper 2
1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) In what ways psychological tests are useful in assessing
individual differences? Answer with examples. 10 marks
(b) How can psychological well-being of service professionals be promoted ?
Discuss. 10 marks
(c) Is Herzberg's theory relevant for understanding work motivation in Indian
organizations? Explain. 10 marks
(d) Examine some important psychological principles underlying effective teaching
learning process. 10 marks
(e) Discuss the usefulness of small groups in community interventions for
social development. 10 marks
2. (a) Examine the role
of situational factors in criminal behaviour. 15 marks
(b) Analyze the factors determining the efficacy of
psychological tests. Discuss the limitations in the use of psychological tests.
15 marks
(c) Discuss how the process of group decision making can be used effectively in
bringing about social change. 20 marks
3. (a) Evaluate the role
of social agencies in rehabilitation of mentally and socially challenged
persons. 15 marks
(b) How is competency mapping made use of for human
resource development in modern organizations ? Illustrator. 15 marks
(c) Discuss the salient features of psychodynamic therapies and evaluate their
role in the prevention of mental illnesses. 20 marks
4. (a) Critically
evaluate whether the principles of participatory management are equally
effective in bureaucratic organizations as in industrial organizations. 15
(b) How do lifestyle variables influence quality of life of an individual in
different life domains ? 15 marks
(c) What psychological factors will explain lack of social integration
involving religious groups in India ? Discuss. 20 marks
Section 'B'
5. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Discuss the efficacy of behaviour therapies in the
prevention of mental illnesses. 10 marks
(b) What biological factors explain mental disorders ? Discuss. 10 marks
(c) Illustrate the signiticance of value education in schools and comment on
its relevance for personality development of children. 10 marks
(d) Discuss the role of psychologists in organizing tertiary level
rehabilitation programmes. 10 marks
(e) What role can media play in the promotion of small family norm in the
Indian culture ? 10 marks
6. (a) Does need for
affiliation come in the way of economic development of the tribal people ?
Discuss. 15 marks
(b) Evaluate the psychological consequences of social media in interpersonal
relationships 15 marks
(c) What role can psychologists play in the development and implementation of
the "Skill India' scheme of the Government of India ? 20 marks
7. (a) How can
psychological theories be put to use to inoculate people against their
impulsive buying behaviour ? 15 marks
(b) Discuss the role of cognitive and behaviour therapies in improving the
performance of sports persons. 15 marks
(c) Analyze the impact of crowding on mental health. Discuss the psychological
measures that can be adopted to reduce the stress resulting from crowding. 20
8. (a) What factors
account for gender differences in India? Suggest some psychological measures to
reduce gender differences. 15 marks
(b) How can human engineering be put to use in devising instruments that are
used by the defence personnel posted in the border areas? Discuss. 15
(c) Discuss the process of prejudice formation. State the psychological
strategies that can be adopted for conflict resolution. 20 marks
UPSC Mains 2015: Psychology Optional Question Paper
(Paper -1)
1. Answer the following
questions each in about 150 words : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Why is it important
to understand psychological processes for other disciplines of social science? 10
(b) Discuss the role of socio-cultural factors in promotion of well-being
across major stages of life-span. 10 marks
(c) How far is it correct to state that most of the problems of psychology can
be addressed more adequately by adopting quasi-experimental designs? 10 marks
(d) Evaluate the notion of programmed learning and describe its relevance for
modern day education with suitable examples 10 marks
(e) Bring out the disruption in retrieval processes due to anxiety, context and
repression. 10 marks
2. (a) Keeping in view
the strife in current social situation, discuss how a psychologist can
contribute towards providing interventions for such problems. 15 marks
(b) Citing studies on amnesia show how the explicit and implicit memory systems
are separate. 20 marks
(c) Demonstrate with suitable examples how the signal detection theory has
helped in modifying the process of vigilance. 15 marks
3. (a) Under what kind of
research conditions does the use of factor analysis become necessary ? Discuss.
20 marks
(b) How far do you agree with the contention that research findings on infant
memory can present novel approaches toward analyzing adult memories? Corroborate
your answer with examples. 15 marks
(c) Review Bandura’s social learning theory and evaluate its impact on
understanding aggression as a result of media generated violence. 15 marks
4. (a) It is believed
that non-experimental designs are more relevant for explaining the emerging
issues like social evils that are seen prominently in India. Discuss. 20 marks
(b) With suitable examples, discuss the logic behind following the systematic
steps in conducting psychological research. 15 marks
(c) Do the cultural settings influence the understanding and evaluation of
meanings of external stimuli? Provide suitable justification for your answer.
15 marks
5. Answer the following
questions each in about 150 words: - 10x5=50 marks
(a) Discuss the brain
mechanisms underlying hunger motive. 10 marks
(b) Evaluate the utility of J.P. Das’ model in understanding the concept of
intelligence. 10 marks
(c) Highlight the problems in assessment of personality using the pencil-paper
tests. 10 marks
(d) Illustrate with suitable examples the non-verbal process of communication.
10 marks
(e) What are the general strategies used in problem solving ? How do these
differ from domain-specific procedures? 10 marks
6. (a) Distinguish
between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Which one is more powerful and why?
20 marks
(b) Describe Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.
Critique his theory. 15 marks
(c) Discuss briefly the evolution of factor theory of intelligence in the works
of Spearman, Thurstone and Guilford. 15 marks
7. (a) Describe the trait
and type approaches to personality. Highlight Jung’s typology with its
weaknesses. 20 marks
(b) Why are we awake at certain times and asleep at others ? Explain this with
help of opponent process model. 15 marks
(c) What is an aptitude? Describe the various tests of aptitudes. 15 marks
8. (a) “Children are not
bom with stereotypes; they learn them from their family, peers, media and
society.”—Discuss. 20 marks
(b) How does Chomsky’s Theory differ from that of Skinner in language development?
Discuss. 15 marks
(c) State the components of Big-5 factor theory of personality. Why is it
considered superior to other factor theories of personality? 15 marks
Psychology (Paper -2)
1. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) What is the phenomenon of 'groupthink’? How can it influence
the quality of group decision making? 10 marks
(b) How are indigenous knowledge systems related to environmental degradation?
Mention some psychological processes underlying environmental attitudes and
values. 10 marks
(c) Discuss some strategies for dealing with academic underachievement in
Indian schools. 10 marks
(d) What role can psychologists play in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
programmes in relation to terminal illness such as coronary heart disease and
cancer? 10 marks
(e) Socioeconomic and educational disadvantages have been viewed from ‘deficit*
as well as ‘difference’ perspectives. Citing examples of each approach, discuss
the difference between the two and their implications. 10 marks
2. (a) Does the notion of
self-fulfilling prophecy relating to achievement satisfactorily explain gender
differences in achievement? 15 marks
(b) Critically evaluate the relationship between economic growth and human well
being in the light of contemporary research on happiness. 15 marks
(c) What is the relationship that has been found, between need for achievement,
need for affiliation and need for power with economic development? Discuss the
relevance of these findings in the context of Indian society. 20 marks
3. (a) Do you think that
efficacy of personnel selection can be improved by using multiple methods? 15 marks
(b) Elucidate the learning principles underlying behaviour
therapies. Examine the relative efficacy of cognitive therapy and behaviour
therapy in helping students overcome social anxiety. 15 marks
(c) Why do teaching-learning processes in Indian classrooms tend to be teacher-
centred? If knowledge is viewed as a constructive process, what kind of
classroom would be suitable for rural Indian schools? 20 marks
4. (a) Indian soldiers
defend the country in extreme and, at times, hostile physical environments.
What kinds of psychological problems are they likely to experience? 15 marks
(b) What specific role can psychologists play in the management and
rehabilitation of persons suffering from HIV/AIDS? 15 marks
(c) According to Social Identity Theory, social categorization and
differentiation processes are implicated in intergroup conflict. Evaluate the
theory against available research evidence. 20 marks
5. Answer the following
questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) To what extent would
you agree that human resource development is more about inculcation of human
values and less about development of competencies? 10 marks
(b) Discuss the psychological mechanisms by which television viewing affects
aggression and consumer behaviour in children. 10 marks
(c) How can ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ help in fostering holistic health? Support your
answer with research evidence. 10 marks
(d) Substance abuse is a growing phenomenon among Indian youths. Discuss the
psychological causes of and intervention measures for substance abuse. 10 marks
(e) How can psychological knowledge be put to use in changing the behaviour of
children inclined to consume ‘junk food’? 10 marks
6. (a) Indian defence
personnel tend to experience depression, sometimes leading to suicides. What
type of psychological interventions can foster positive mental health in them?
15 marks
(b) “Glass ceiling effects in organizations are rooted in socialization and
family.” Discuss with reference to the psychological bases of gender role
development. 15 marks
(c) It has been found that cultural factors can be used to facilitate social
change. What cultural factors can be made use of, and how, in making a success
of the governmental programme called ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’? 20 marks
7. (a) Religious violence
in India has shown only a marginal decline over the years. What social and
psychological factors explain it the most? 15 marks
(b) How is population growth in India affected by psychological processes of
attribution, beliefs and values? Discuss possible implications of these processes
for population education in India. 15
(c) How will you go about constructing a test for assessing aptitude for Civil
9 Services? Discuss the details. 20 marks
8. (a) What are some
important ethical principles that psychologists must adhere to while making use
of psychological tests? 15 marks
(b) Psychologists have recently identified. a disorder which they term
‘internet- addiction\ What are its presenting features? How can those suffering
from this addiction be helped? 15 marks
(c) Tribal children in India are disadvantaged partly because of the neglect of
their language and culture in education. How can education for tribal children
be reformed to deal with such disadvantage? 20 marks
"Psychology as an optional in UPSC Mains offers a unique blend of scientific inquiry and human behavior understanding, making it a dynamic choice for aspirants. It's not just about scoring well, but also gaining insights into practical life applications. A strategic approach can make psychology both an interesting and scoring subject."
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